Sunday, September 29, 2013

I'm the only One

Amazing.. Almost 1 already! 

Its been an exhausting and fun year. I learned to transport myself to near places by crawling, and faraway places by shouting until Mummy or Bibik or Daddy or Nani picks me up. I grew 6 teeth, starting from the 6th month and love to sharpen them on Mummy's bony behind. I learned that one important magic word that sets my world right again- Mamamamam (easy peasy lemon squeezy, like my sisters say it); and i now totally bar myself from less-than-nutritious formula milk and insist only on the original, the full cream BM.

What's that I hear?? One year olds normally have big bashes? Oh dear me, I hope not.. I take a long time to warm up to anyone but when you finally know me, you'll knowthat I'm quite the charmer! I find the ladies love my toothy grin.. Whaddya think??

Ps: biler daaa jambul nak tumbuh. Lol