Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Welcome F-r-e-e-dom!!!

Its great the freedom that I have regained. The ability to pop into the shops or go meet some friends or just have a nice dinner somewhere. Things I have sorely missed whilst being in confinement.

Must say though that my body is not 100% back to normal- I tend to stoop now (from the oversized boobs? soft jelly-belly?); I get spells of faintness when walking or standing for too long; my knees are forever wobbly and I tire more easily.

On 23rd Dec, we had a 'cukur rambut cum open house kenduri' for family and close friends. It coincided with Hana Arissa's 44th day of living which also spelled the end of confinement period for me (hurrah!). Since our house was a work-in-progress, we had to madly clean it out and prep it up for the open house. It was so tiring that I started spotting again- either my stitches came undone or it was the beginning of a period, I don't know which. It was very alarming and I continued spotting throughout my open house function through til the next day when it suddenly stopped. I confined myself to home voluntarily and the pain and spotting disappeared over that Xmas weekend.

On 27 Dec, the girls came to my house and as usual it was utter chaos. Balqis smacked Rifqi on the head with Arissa's bottle- Balqis falls off my bed- Balqis tries to choke Rifqi when their moms aren't looking- Blaqis squashes Arissa affectionately- Suraya changes into the tightest pair of jeans her pregnant body can squeeze into- Batrisya dribbles porridge all over my floor and plays with my fan- Fidza undresses and snoozes (her excuse is "I'm pregnant and tired and Balqis kept me awake last night"- yeah right!) while Sanna & I chat away...

On 30th Dec, we were again at the new house watching "Underworld" and there was a commotion outside the window. I stopped patting Arissa and turned to my hubby and asked "Dear, is it New Year already?" and he boredly looked at his watch and said "Ya, its midnight" and we both snorted and he went back to watching TV and I resumed putting lil bub to sleep. THAT is how things will be for the next year- we will be missing out on many parties and exciting things in order to put Arissa to sleep. Sad, sad, sad.

On 2nd Jan, baby learned to smile. I was babytalking to her and she responded by going "ggghhh" and smiling her schweet baby shmile and I melted right there and then.

Happy Holidays!!