Wednesday, July 16, 2008


For a whole year, a CD created at home by a guy called Francis Smith (aka my Bangkok boss- pfft) is a permanent fixture in our car audio system. Its creatively labelled NURSERY RHYMES and includes all the chart-topping stuff like Itsy Bitsy Spider, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and London Bridge (NOT the one by Fergie- hah).

Arissa insists on listening only to this CD whilst she is in the car and for a whole year, we have endured sniggers by the BIL/friends/colleagues and its toughened up our ear wax.

But last week I found an old CD stuck in our glove compartment and was listening to an old favourite track. Its a feel-good-post-breakup number whose lyrics I lapped up during those stupid 12h breakups with the then-boyfriend, now-husband (ey...bound to happen once in awhile if you've been in the same courtship for 9 years) and, wonder of wonders, my daughter absolutely LOVED it- head banging and thumping her hand on her thigh in approval. Its hilarious!

...and Mummy sure as hell miss her Nursery Rhymes CD like a hole in my head.