Thursday, January 13, 2011

Teenage Dream

I remember the first official introduction I had, as Hafidz's girlfriend, to his family. It wasn't to his Mum, who is famously particular, it was to his youngest aunt who had just had a baby. I was so nervous when we got to Loyang View but she was warm and welcoming and after awhile I was busy cuddling a little baby girl, a month old at that time, called Sarah Shabanah.

Well, she officially turned 13 on 29 December. Good Lord.. how fast time flies! Together with her cousin, Farhana, who turned 12 on 30 December they begged me to help plan a combined birthday bash to which her Mum sniggered "Hai, si tua dua ekor ni pulak nak buat birthday party!" :D

Well, all that simply means shopping for decor and planning for games that I am more than happy to get my hands dirty with. The good thing is there is a platoon of cousins who are more happy to be delegated with work so all I did was to steer them in the right direction and get them discussing games and food ideas with the respective 'department heads'.

F&B department

Games department (fulltimers)

Games department (freelancers)

Creative Department >.<

On the day itself, the weather was not very cooperative (it being the rainy season) but like true sports, their friends and the Ariffin kiddies came in droves and partied like its 1999 late into the night. Really really past their bedtimes..

At the end of the party, I got lovely sms-es from the girls enthusing about the great time they had with their friends and the cash gifts contributed by the family.

Happy birthday darlings and hopefully you don't lose too much of your heads living the teenage dream.
