Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Energizer Bunny

A little picture slide dedicated to the baby of the household. At a year and a half, she has grown as vivacious and feisty as Big Sis with a very independent streak about her.

Our 24 y.o helper, who has had to keep up with her energy level, is often knackered by the end of the day but this little Olympian can go on and on like an Energizer Bunny. So even on my shift (which starts 7.00pm til late), I find myself waving the white flag by 1030pm and bundling her and Big Sis into the bedroom so the helper can get her peace (yar, I believe in Fair Practise Employment!).

The best thing about having 2 noisy children in the house, is the welcome you get at the end of a tiring work day. Its the kind of frenzy that only a superstar deserves- once the door opens they both start screaming at the top of their voices followed by a sprint to see who gets to me first. Of course the undisputed winner is always Big Sis, she sometimes fouls Energizer Bunny, for the luxury of hanging onto my thighs like a baby koala does a tree trunk. Superb.

She is still not articulate (Sofia, not Arissa. The latter can't seem to stop talking)- the only words she can say are "ThuThu" (Malay: susu) for milk; "Tar!" which can mean star or ta (as in the arabic alphabets alif-ba-ta) and a deep belly "Uh" which, depending on where she points, can be taken to mean 1001 things. And "dada" for Daddy and "mama" for me, of course *beams*.

Very much a girl of few words.

enjoying "thu-thu" with Big Sis

Even if her verbal skills are somewhat lacking, by virtue of having Big Sis to get her up to speed, she makes up for it in large motor skills. Let me put it plainly: she is more of an athlete than Arissa ever was at her age- contortionist tendencies included.

So what does a baby Olympian do to relax at the end of her daily grueling sessions, when both Bibik and Mummy are completely bushed? She engages in a little bit of thumb-sucking and enriches her creativity with literary pursuits..


PS: It seems her hair is also growing at Olympic speed. Hafidz has forbidden me from chopping her locks (his favourite thing to do is to bury his face in her soft hair) so here it is in its full glory.