Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Last lap

Whoa, 28 weeks and counting down!

The usual round of 3rd trimester ailments have surfaced- breathlessness, general fatigue, short-temper (from the lethargy?), needing to pee every 2 minutes, feeling like a hungry hungry hippo always, waddling, back pain... but because this is my 2nd pregnancy there is also this pressure 'there' as though the baby could pop out with the teeniest push. My gynae convinced me that its normal with the 2nd pregnancy as the muscles down south were not as hydraulic as once before (incontinence here I come!). The 20th week fetal scan revealed that my placenta is 'slightly low lying' but after an ultrasound, we realise that there is no risk of placenta preavia and I can do the deed normally. Thank god!

This month's checkup was to discuss my birthplan- as mentioned before Lawrence Ang is a natural delivery advocator so the word epidural is frowned upon. "You did it before, the pain is still the same unfortunately but you're well prepared to face it", he campaigns on.

He did say though that 2nd babies come out faster than the 1st and prepared me mentally to expect a fast and furious labour (hell, I'm not complaining! That 7 hour active labour where I bled all the way through is still fresh in my mind). Key word here, much like the Singapore Army motto, is Be Prepared.

Bub is weighing all of 1.3kg, quite a shocker as she was only 700g last month. This put her a good 200g above the average 28 week old bubs. I put on a measly 1.4kg even with all that milk and durians and dessert! How bloody pathetic.. I'm 4kg behind in my 28th week (compared to the 1st pregnancy where I was 48.5kg at this stage). BTW I love this development chart:

She's almost in an engaged position- head down with legs right under my right ribs which takes the blow for most of her tickles and kicks. She's just as active as Arissa, just the other day I went to bed in spite of her kicks and was again awoken by it at 3am! Hafidz & I have yet to name our little friend here, we can't find a name we can both agree on- typical eh!

And to add on to the list of new friends for our little nameless bub, congratulations to these new parents:

Yani & Amzhar
3.2kg Aqil Armani

Nana & Ogy
2.8kg Adrianny

Yani's take on labour pains was "I could only stand it for an hour!! Then I was begging for epidural.. hehehehe" Will have pictures of my little nephew uploaded soon..
