I was so pooped by the end of the day my feet swelled up badly and I started waddling like Barney.
Yesterday's checkup revealed that I am 2cm dilated at 36 weeks (read: I'm already in early stages of labour- GAaAaH!) and baby is low, very low. Doctor Ang has given me some Salbutamol to help relax the womb and told me to take it easy. In no uncertain terms, he is basically telling me to hold it in for another week so that bub is not pre-term. Fidza tells me she was dilated 1cm at 35 weeks during her 2nd pregnancy so it is a normal occurence apparently. Strangely enough, bub is not engaged.. her head is near my right kidney but to that Lawrence has said that 2nd babies engage only at the last minute, unlike the 1st.
Thanks to my new diet regime (only good ole milk after midnight, if hungry), bub is only 2.6kg now. Which really means with 1 week to go, I can start binging again- muahahaha! Beef rendang pie from Joo Chiat Road, good good good!
A kaftan's not the most glamourous of apparel but when you're big enough to balance a plate on your belly, its the most comfy! :p
I'm taking this time off to get the newborn stuff laundered and aired and sunned- ..take it easy, what's that when you don't have a maid!
Note to self: Finish that online FWD course asap!