I let her help me pack my overnight bag and we even put her bolster in the receiving blankie and pretended it was her adik.
She cuddled it for all of 15 seconds before getting annoyed... as the conversation goes:
Me: Sha.. nanti Mummy's belly will become sakit and I will say "Aduh sakit! sakit!" and Mummy will have to take ambulance to go to the hospital (she associates ambulances with sick people) and the nice Doctor will help Mummy take adik out of my perut ok? You sleep with Daddy at home when Mummy's in hospital ok?
A: Taaaaaaaaaaaa-nak! I wan go opital wif Mummy.
Hrrrr... chialat.
But before that...
...we spent Friday evening frolicking in the sun. Unfortunately, I didn't foresee this East Coast stop so hadn't packed the necessary essentials, we were on the way to Sanah's after looking for a playpen for bub #2...