When we left his office at 6pm, I started getting mild contractions which became 3mins apart by 7pm. I was in so much pain but forced myself to eat some dinner before leaving for fear of having no energy through labour. Arissa saw Mummy grimacing and sat on the bed by me, shoving spoons of rice into my mouth and telling me "Mummy must eat wokay?" while the husband gets ready for the night.
Here I am at 8.45pm in the labour ward still calm and coherent, falsely thinking "Hey, the 2nd time ain't that bad"- hah:
9pm Lawrence announces I am 4cm dilated then proceeds to break my water bag. At which point the contractions just hit me like a growing tsunami until it was practically one on top of the other. I tried surviving on gas alone but was begging for pethidine at some point. By the time it was administered, I had almost graduated into the pushing stage, rendering it redundant. The side effects- nausea and numbness- came afterwards and I was confined to my bed overnight.
930pm Baby is down the birth canal ready to be delivered but Lawrence is attending to another patient down the hall. The attending nurse puts her fingers in to stop baby from travelling much further down but her head is almost crowning and the pain was unbearable!!! Husband was gone the whole time I was in labour, he said he was at Delifrance grabbing dinner, thinking the drama would take sometime to unfold- wtf. By the time he got back, the nurses had gone into hysterics paging for Dr Ang yelling that I'm "in stress".
935pm Lawrence appears like Superman and I'm told I can start pushing. 3 pushes later followed by some blood-curdling screaming at the end and we have the latest edition to our little family who arrived promptly at 943pm, looking exactly like her sister. What a sense of deja vu for me.
We had spent an indecent amount of money at Toys R Us to get Big Sis presents supposedly from the Little Sis. It was advice well dispensed and money well spent.
Mum and Bub #2 are both resting at my Mother's house until the end of the confinement period. A little sunbathing to keep the jaundice at bay:
Please say hello to Sara Sofia Abdul Hafidz, 2.77kg at birth: