Fact 1)
Wakaf is such a neat community-building effort. I've only today discovered that any Muslim can contribute to mosque-building if one cares to. The husband wanted to 'wakaf' his late father's assets towards the building of a mosque and right now, MUIS is taking donations for the building of Masjid Muhajirin.
For S$5, one can purchase 1 brick for the mosque, for S$12 one can purchase a square metre of carpet and for S$250, one can purchase a square metre of classroom space (desks and chairs included).
We went away happy to know that Hj Mohd Amir Bin Hj Hassan would be recognised in God's eyes to have contributed to the building of His house. Amin.
Fact 2)
Yes we are all worried about the global crunch and bloody Chinese capitalists putting melamine in baby formulas are not helping to upkeep consumer trust. But before you think I HAVE TO SAVE ALL MY MONEY, think how low the China shares are all now. 'Tis the best time to be buying shares and stocks in China! Ok, forget putting your money in consumer products like toothpaste and baby formulas, those are too risky.. "but how about Telcom shares? Utilities shares? Transportation shares?", my boss whispers to me. Aha, so that's the trick to becoming rich quick. Instead of buying LV Mini Lin handbags, one buys stocks and shares and wait for it to double.
Now, where can I find US$20,000 to invest is another question. :D