And now that I'm a Mother, I am starting to understand why they never lost hope. When I saw Arissa tinkling on the piano, it gave me such a rush (even though half the time I had to grit my teeth as it was all just plain, loud noise she was making) that this offspring of mine is seemingly enjoying the display of her musical prowess. The fact that I clap my hands as though she had just finished a Vivaldi in D-minor piece helped boost her ego too. :D
That's a Bach, Beethovan and Brahms piece she's trying out- not too shabby eh!
I started playing the piano with her every Mon, Tue and Thu nights at Mum's, as that is where my old piano is still, after all these years. And magically discovered that not only do I find playing de-stressing and enjoyable, I was still able to read those damn notes I had cursed all my childhood..
Forgotten favourites came to life at my fingertips all over again especially Schubert's Lilac Time Serenade.. a lilting, melancholic piece about love lost.
Arissa has a few favourites of her own and she makes a huge effort playing it out. I must say that in my biased opinion, I can very clearly hear Jingle Bells in this solo recital, can you? (many apologies for the horrid singing in the foreground!)
Up next are This Old Man for Arissa and Everything I do (I do it for you) for Mummy.. I can't wait!