"By showing how much of a positive impact plastic surgery can have on a person's life, I Want a Famous Face shows how much of a change plastic surgery can have on a person. Besides affecting a patient's appearance in a drastic way, plastic surgery also makes a person more confident and comfortable with themselves", cites www.plastic-surgery.net.
I watched it after a full plate of chicken rice and immediately felt sick to the stomach. Two disillusioned twins from Arizona, Mike and Matt, who in their quest to look like Brad Pitt (laughable!!) underwent the plastic surgeon's knife for rhinoplasty, chin implants, and porcelain veneers. Mike wanted to look like Brad in the "Meet Joe Black" movie; Matt wanted to look like Mr Jolie in the "Legends of the Fall" movie (so sick, its not even funny!)


The surgery was gory enough, you actually get to see their flesh cut open and bloody, getting pumped and skinned and stitched like the dead spring chicken in my sink every Saturday morning. But what made me more sick was how the pair went from down-to-earth regular people to boastful, pompous twats:
"We're going to be the next biggest twins. Watch out Hollywood" *wink*
And they don't even look like Brad Pitt yet! Faaaaaaaaaaaar from it. So far, in fact, that they look more like the Bros brothers if we primed them for the 21st century.
No one's new to MTV's take on idol worship- its how they, as a channel, survive the times. The more sensational the series, the better the viewership and subscriber base. Sorry MTV, I've always been a fan of reality- I like Run's House and all the other crap you guys churn out but this one just propels idol worshipping to a new, disturbing, almost pathological level.