I’m really getting the hang of writing blogs and Mummy thinks it’s a good way to get me to learn my ABCs. I think maybe I will become travel writer when I grow up, perhaps a female version of C-H-A-R-L-E-Y-B-O-O-R-M-A-N (I can spell his name because Mummy is working on his documentary THE LONG WAY DOWN. She was looking forward to meeting E-W-A-N-M-C-G-R-E-G-O-R but the Producers decided to send him elsewhere and send Charley to Asia instead- too bad...)
So, it’s been an exciting month for me. I wrote about Bali last time and now I will write about our 2nd family holiday to an island in Malaysia called R-E-D-A-N-G (no, aunty Apple it’s not called R-E-N-D-A-N-G, that’s the stuff you love to eat from Hajjah Maimunah when you come visit us from Bangkok).
My Nani was the organiser for this family trip, she loves getting her sibs and their brood together for some frolicking in the sun and this time they decided to revisit R-E-D-A-N-G. It was a tiresome 11h B-U-S ride from Singapore but I don’t remember any of it as I slept the whole way up and the whole way down- hehe. Then it was another 1h journey by ferry from Syahbandar. Abang Haikal and Kakak Seri vomited in the ferry but I was fine, thank goodness.
My Atok booked us into BERJAYA HOTEL and boy, it’s posh. We got great rooms with a HUGE bath tub but Mummy was more excited about the view.
I love sitting in the balcony with her on the deck chairs and sing her a song about boats- like the one Barney sings on my telly. It goes something like..
Of course I can’t really sing the words, but I hum the tune and Mummy gets it and will sing the words for me.
** Did I mention I went to the Barney show?! I had a great time dancing with Abang Rifqi although he was more fixated with climbing up and down the stairs and giving Aunty Sanah a hard time. But that’s what we kids love to do with our parents anyways...
So, back to R-E-D-A-N-G. I swam everyday- in the tub first thing in the morning..
...then the pool with Aunties Shafiqah and Shakira...
...then on to the beach with all the rest of my cousins...
By the end of the day I am usually ready for a tantrum as I have so much sand in my pants, it’s difficult to be polite.
On 2 occasions we took a B-O-A-T out for a little island hopping. I love getting into the blue seas in my yellow buoy with the little F-I-S-H-E-S and we even saw a few big T-U-R-T-L-E-S underneath our boat. That was awesome.
There isn’t anything much to do at night though so we would all go into the karaoke room but the 3 people in the family who can actually sing are Daddy, Tok Rahman and Nani Chu. The rest are terribly hopeless and Aunty Shakira taught me to cover my ears when it gets really bad. It’s a neat little trick to get the big people to stop assaulting our little eardrums.
Mummy bought all the 10 children activity books and we practised our skills in the karaoke rooms, only Aunty Sheila and Aunty Syazila ended up hijacking our crayons.
One night I heard Aunty Sarimah tell Mummy that they heard bleeting from the nearby forest whilst they were walking back up the hill to their rooms, past midnight. That spooked Abang Rizal who went into a wide-eyed trance and started pointing to some trees and cried. Mummy said it’s probably H-A-N-T-U. I don’t know what that is but I saw something strange too at the BBQ whilst looking at the moon. When I started grappling for Mummy, she took me out of my high chair and held me tight and read the long and soothing Ayat Kursi in my ear. That helped calm me down.
So apart from the swimming til I’m blue and the general mischief I participate in with the rest of my cousins, we had a very relaxing holiday.
Mummy says this will be our last holiday this year but then I hear her planning something with Daddy for December- now what’s that about! :D Perhaps we can go to a farm next???