My MIL, coming from a family of lefties, commented many times "It does seem like she is a left-hander, look at the way she picks up her toy/food. She even 'salam' (shakes hands) with her left" to which I would roll my eyes to the husband muttering the now-familiar Dr Spock mantra under my breath.
But lately, I'm less convinced by ole Spocko. For me the clincher was seeing her build a tower of 6 blocks with her left hand with ease, but when forced to switch to her right, can barely build a tower of 3 blocks. We've trained her to 'salam' and to pick her food with her right hand but this too, I need to reinforce from time to time- shifting her spoon from the left to the right hand on various occasions.
*Sigh* OK fine, so its high time Mummy accepted the fact that this little one could be a 'southpaw' so I've been reading on ways to deal with a lefty and to understand if they're any different from us the usual righties and came across a very interesting article about letter formation for lefty kids. Righthanders naturally pull the alphabets across a page whereas lefthanders need to push their pens resulting in torn pages, aching wrists and slow penmanship. An alternative method of writing alphabets for lefties where they, too, 'pull' alphabets towards them is as simple as:
So a lefty writes 'J' in this manner:
I think its brilliant! And there is a slew of products for left-handers on the market now, from scissors to pencil sharpeners and what-have-yous. All I can think of was how awkward it was for Dian to use scissors in primary school and yet, she has the most beautiful handwriting. Babe, should I get you one of these left-handed scissors?? :) Or maybe Sanah will need one too??
Since the brain is cross-wired, right handers are controlled by their left brain, whilst left handers are controlled by their right brain. It is not wrong to then say that lefties are in the 'right' frame of mind!
And some well-known lefties are Oprah Winfrey, Angeline Jolie, Marilyn Monroe, Lisa Kudrow, SJP, Julia Roberts... oh and how can I forget the men of substance- novelist Mark Twain, Alexander the Great, painter Michealangelo and presidents Reagan, Bush and Clinton *pffft*
Kasi ikan makan pun pakai left-hand