For the past month, Hafidz is on a project that takes up 20h of his day almost 7 times a week. He basically said "Here're the car keys, can you handle it you think?" and Supermum stepped up to the occasion and replied with nonchalance "Yeah, no problemo".
And for a good 3 days I did manage- I managed to arrive at work on time, get tot to/from babysitters on schedule, get home before 1030pm and still have some leftover energy for a bit of laundry or the late night news before bed. I had the cheek to think "Hey, this isn't THAT bad".
But 3 weeks of this and I'm ready to call it quits- I want my husband back!!! *sob* I am totally sapped of energy I think I lost more weight (disaster!) but realise what an important role the Husband plays in my life (even as I whinge that he does close to naaaaaaaaaaathin').
Bila mau game? I feel like Marge Simpson without her Homer.