Monday, December 18, 2006
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Friday, December 01, 2006
My Confinement Schedule
Last time I was counting down to meeting little bub, now I'm counting the days to when my confinement will end and these chains around my ankles will eventually be loosened.
Ok, I exaggerate. Mom isn't very particular about me staying at home but having a baby dependant on you for nourishment every 2 hours very much limits your mobility. The last thing I want to do is dump her on Mom who has been taking excellent care of me.
As a forewarning to those thinking of having a baby, let me explain what my typical confinement day is like:
10am: bathe bub -> bottlefeed -> burp -> bub sleeps
11am: sweep/mop house & sterilise bottles
12pm: breastfeed -> burp -> bub sleeps
1pm: wash dirty clothes/ fold & keep away clean clothes/ iron clothes
2pm: lunch then breastfeed
3pm: switch on laptop to work (yes! workaholic me works from home)
4pm: bottlefeed, nappy change
5pm: back to laptop
6pm: breastfeed, play with bub, then wipe her down for the night
7pm: breastfeed
8pm: dinner, then breastfeed
9pm: sterilise bottles, prepare room for the night
10pm: bottlefeed
11pm: nappy change
12am: zzzzzz
2-3am: breastfeed
4-5am: bottlefeed
6-7am: breastfeed
8am: hot brekkie whilst Hana sleeps
9am: zzzzz
10am: [back to top]
I'm just wondering how long it will be like this and when is the acceptable age to send her to boarding school.
Ok, I exaggerate. Mom isn't very particular about me staying at home but having a baby dependant on you for nourishment every 2 hours very much limits your mobility. The last thing I want to do is dump her on Mom who has been taking excellent care of me.
As a forewarning to those thinking of having a baby, let me explain what my typical confinement day is like:
10am: bathe bub -> bottlefeed -> burp -> bub sleeps
11am: sweep/mop house & sterilise bottles
12pm: breastfeed -> burp -> bub sleeps
1pm: wash dirty clothes/ fold & keep away clean clothes/ iron clothes
2pm: lunch then breastfeed
3pm: switch on laptop to work (yes! workaholic me works from home)
4pm: bottlefeed, nappy change
5pm: back to laptop
6pm: breastfeed, play with bub, then wipe her down for the night
7pm: breastfeed
8pm: dinner, then breastfeed
9pm: sterilise bottles, prepare room for the night
10pm: bottlefeed
11pm: nappy change
12am: zzzzzz
2-3am: breastfeed
4-5am: bottlefeed
6-7am: breastfeed
8am: hot brekkie whilst Hana sleeps
9am: zzzzz
10am: [back to top]
I'm just wondering how long it will be like this and when is the acceptable age to send her to boarding school.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Thank You

(in pic)
Little Hana on her HUGE rocker... given by Deon, John & little Isaac
Clothes compliments of Auntie Pim from Bangkok
Woollen blankie (and a dozen other things) given by Frank from Bangkok
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Friday, November 17, 2006
What labour felt like
This one is for my (curious) girlfriends...
8 Nov 06
Went to gynae with Hafidz & gynae did an internal check. Told me I'm 2cm dilated and that he'd have to admit me that night. I was flustered thinking "Wait a sec.. is this guy for real? I don't feel anything!"
Checked into Thomson Medical and sent to normal ward. Still feel nothing. Godparents Sapna & Anil kept me company til almost midnight when I started to feel a little mild period cramping.
Important! Have a hearty meal at home before you go. You won't eat anything anytime soon and you really really really need the energy.
Godparents & Hafidz left. Gynae did another internal check and said I'm still 2cm dilated. If no action tonight, he would induce me at 0830h the following morning. I went to bed.
The mild cramping got progressively stronger. It feels like a horrible period cramp and comes and goes in waves. I tried to snooze but the pain was getting unbearable.
9 Nov 06
I timed my contractions on my hp (Hafidz had taken my watch home) and it was coming at regular 3 minute intervals. I remember reading that at one should leave for hospital when one's contractions are 4-6minutes apart. I rang for the nurse and asked if I should call my gynae. She said "We will monitor you and call your gynae if there's anything" and left me alone. I'm like WTF!!!! What the hell does that mean, I was in so much pain already!!
I felt something ooze out of me. I though "Ahh... waterbag! No need to be induced!" then reached down and saw blood. Immediately I had a sense of foreboding, many people tell me that if your first leak is blood, it would be a long and painful labour. I made up my mind to go down the epidural route and skip the whole 'matyr' act. I rang for nurse again and they wheeled me down to delivery ward.
A really rough, unfriendly Filipino nurse (if only I had the energy to punch her face!) put me on foetal monitor and injected something to make me go poop. It irritated my bowel like shit (no pun intended) but between the contractions and the bowel pain, I was almost delirious.
Hafidz arrives but was told to wait outside whilst they wheel me to from delivery ward to a sterile delivery room. At this point, moving an inch was a nightmare and I couldn't speak from the pain. I ask for gas as my first pain relief option (ok, being brave by going down that matyr route).
Important! Put the mask FIRMLY over your face and breathe as DEEPLY as you can when the contractions start. Stop breathing when contraction is at its peak. It feels like being high on pot- you feel the pain but you're distanced from it. Just imagine yourself somewhere else- I transported myself to the wonderful days in Perth throughout the pain.
0300h - 0717h
1st stage
Already dazed. All I remember is pure bright pain, praying and praying to Almighty God to let me get over this quick and asking my hubby for water (gas makes your throat scratchy). I also remember asking for epidural but getting pethidine instead but anything was better than gas alone. I was already hugging the bed railing praying "Dear God, please let me get through this. Please let my baby be healthy" but was too absorbed in the pain to make a decibel noise. But with the pethidine and gas combination, I managed to cope with the pain well enough to forget about my request for epidural. I even managed to doze between contractions (or maybe I was just high enough to think I dozed off). The 1st stage pain felt like a huge squeezing pressure on your belly, similar to period cramp but a million times worse. I was steadily bleeding throughout this stage, my hubby says the nurse filled out 2 trash bins with my soaked waterproof sheeting.
Transition stage
The moment I started groaning, I knew I was in the transition phase (see what information can do for you mentally?). Now, many books say this is when a lot of women lose control and now I know exactly WHY. At this stage, the pain is so immense that you automatically start pushing. The nurse pressed HARD on my belly and through the fog, I remember her saying "Push!". Then I heard myself whimpering "Where is my gynae!?!?!?" and she replied "Just push, he's on his way". Every fibre in my body says stop pushing because my cousin Lin pushed before her gynae arrived and the baby stayed in the cervix long enough to come out looking like Conehead. But the pressure inside my belly had its own mind and I find myself pushing a little bit and felt her head crowning. In my drugged state, I thought "I'm NEVER taking this f***ing gynae again, where the f*** is he! I'm going to deliver my baby without a f***ing gynae!!" but minutes later he came in looking like he stumbled out of bed. Every conceivable swear word was in my head directed at him. Hafidz says my waterbag burst at this stage and he finally can see water. I had to call out to him cos he was busy looking south instead of offering support.
2nd stage
The pain was everywhere that I only saw bright light (I think my gynae had on a mining hat with a torchlight mounted on it but hell, maybe I imagined it). It was just pure exquisite pain that nothing else is painful in comparison, I didnt feel anything even though I heard his scissors snipping me up. They put my legs in the stirrups but I got my stupid foot cramp at this point which was kind of funny. I remember going "ah... foot cramp! foot cramp!" and the nurse massaging my legs. Hafidz was holding my hand and I squeezed so tight I left nail marks on it for 2 days. Then everyone did the cheerleader routine "Push! Push! Puuuussshhh!" and I took a deep breath and pushed with all my might and accidentally yelped at the same time (to which the nurse said "Don't shout, conserve energy!") but nothing happened, only I felt MORE pain. Now this is cos her head is at the entrance of my cervix. Then my hubby's voice going "Na, you can do it sayang, push sayang" and the gynae said "Take a deep breath Shafrina and push one more time" and I did as told. It felt like my intestines dropped out of my body as Arissa slipped out and I remember crying out loudly in relief/surprise.
3rd stage
For someone who has not felt labour pain, this stage may be most icky as the gynae stiches me up with a fishing line and hook. But let me assure you, this stage is the best. No more contractions, and you get 2 jabs in 'there' and on the thigh and you just lie back and relax... just remember not to look down. I was also busily asking my hubby who was flitting around the room, cutting the cord and doing all the daddy things he has to do "Is she healthy? Is she ok dear?"
That wraps this drama episode up. What follows is a week of perineal pain- you need to relearn to piss, relearn to poop, learn to breastfeed, deal with engorgement as your body settles into Mum-hood. I must add after all that, the gain was worth every ounce of pain.
Happy shagging!
8 Nov 06
Went to gynae with Hafidz & gynae did an internal check. Told me I'm 2cm dilated and that he'd have to admit me that night. I was flustered thinking "Wait a sec.. is this guy for real? I don't feel anything!"
Checked into Thomson Medical and sent to normal ward. Still feel nothing. Godparents Sapna & Anil kept me company til almost midnight when I started to feel a little mild period cramping.
Important! Have a hearty meal at home before you go. You won't eat anything anytime soon and you really really really need the energy.
Godparents & Hafidz left. Gynae did another internal check and said I'm still 2cm dilated. If no action tonight, he would induce me at 0830h the following morning. I went to bed.
The mild cramping got progressively stronger. It feels like a horrible period cramp and comes and goes in waves. I tried to snooze but the pain was getting unbearable.
9 Nov 06
I timed my contractions on my hp (Hafidz had taken my watch home) and it was coming at regular 3 minute intervals. I remember reading that at one should leave for hospital when one's contractions are 4-6minutes apart. I rang for the nurse and asked if I should call my gynae. She said "We will monitor you and call your gynae if there's anything" and left me alone. I'm like WTF!!!! What the hell does that mean, I was in so much pain already!!
I felt something ooze out of me. I though "Ahh... waterbag! No need to be induced!" then reached down and saw blood. Immediately I had a sense of foreboding, many people tell me that if your first leak is blood, it would be a long and painful labour. I made up my mind to go down the epidural route and skip the whole 'matyr' act. I rang for nurse again and they wheeled me down to delivery ward.
A really rough, unfriendly Filipino nurse (if only I had the energy to punch her face!) put me on foetal monitor and injected something to make me go poop. It irritated my bowel like shit (no pun intended) but between the contractions and the bowel pain, I was almost delirious.
Hafidz arrives but was told to wait outside whilst they wheel me to from delivery ward to a sterile delivery room. At this point, moving an inch was a nightmare and I couldn't speak from the pain. I ask for gas as my first pain relief option (ok, being brave by going down that matyr route).
Important! Put the mask FIRMLY over your face and breathe as DEEPLY as you can when the contractions start. Stop breathing when contraction is at its peak. It feels like being high on pot- you feel the pain but you're distanced from it. Just imagine yourself somewhere else- I transported myself to the wonderful days in Perth throughout the pain.
0300h - 0717h
1st stage
Already dazed. All I remember is pure bright pain, praying and praying to Almighty God to let me get over this quick and asking my hubby for water (gas makes your throat scratchy). I also remember asking for epidural but getting pethidine instead but anything was better than gas alone. I was already hugging the bed railing praying "Dear God, please let me get through this. Please let my baby be healthy" but was too absorbed in the pain to make a decibel noise. But with the pethidine and gas combination, I managed to cope with the pain well enough to forget about my request for epidural. I even managed to doze between contractions (or maybe I was just high enough to think I dozed off). The 1st stage pain felt like a huge squeezing pressure on your belly, similar to period cramp but a million times worse. I was steadily bleeding throughout this stage, my hubby says the nurse filled out 2 trash bins with my soaked waterproof sheeting.
Transition stage
The moment I started groaning, I knew I was in the transition phase (see what information can do for you mentally?). Now, many books say this is when a lot of women lose control and now I know exactly WHY. At this stage, the pain is so immense that you automatically start pushing. The nurse pressed HARD on my belly and through the fog, I remember her saying "Push!". Then I heard myself whimpering "Where is my gynae!?!?!?" and she replied "Just push, he's on his way". Every fibre in my body says stop pushing because my cousin Lin pushed before her gynae arrived and the baby stayed in the cervix long enough to come out looking like Conehead. But the pressure inside my belly had its own mind and I find myself pushing a little bit and felt her head crowning. In my drugged state, I thought "I'm NEVER taking this f***ing gynae again, where the f*** is he! I'm going to deliver my baby without a f***ing gynae!!" but minutes later he came in looking like he stumbled out of bed. Every conceivable swear word was in my head directed at him. Hafidz says my waterbag burst at this stage and he finally can see water. I had to call out to him cos he was busy looking south instead of offering support.
2nd stage
The pain was everywhere that I only saw bright light (I think my gynae had on a mining hat with a torchlight mounted on it but hell, maybe I imagined it). It was just pure exquisite pain that nothing else is painful in comparison, I didnt feel anything even though I heard his scissors snipping me up. They put my legs in the stirrups but I got my stupid foot cramp at this point which was kind of funny. I remember going "ah... foot cramp! foot cramp!" and the nurse massaging my legs. Hafidz was holding my hand and I squeezed so tight I left nail marks on it for 2 days. Then everyone did the cheerleader routine "Push! Push! Puuuussshhh!" and I took a deep breath and pushed with all my might and accidentally yelped at the same time (to which the nurse said "Don't shout, conserve energy!") but nothing happened, only I felt MORE pain. Now this is cos her head is at the entrance of my cervix. Then my hubby's voice going "Na, you can do it sayang, push sayang" and the gynae said "Take a deep breath Shafrina and push one more time" and I did as told. It felt like my intestines dropped out of my body as Arissa slipped out and I remember crying out loudly in relief/surprise.
3rd stage
For someone who has not felt labour pain, this stage may be most icky as the gynae stiches me up with a fishing line and hook. But let me assure you, this stage is the best. No more contractions, and you get 2 jabs in 'there' and on the thigh and you just lie back and relax... just remember not to look down. I was also busily asking my hubby who was flitting around the room, cutting the cord and doing all the daddy things he has to do "Is she healthy? Is she ok dear?"
That wraps this drama episode up. What follows is a week of perineal pain- you need to relearn to piss, relearn to poop, learn to breastfeed, deal with engorgement as your body settles into Mum-hood. I must add after all that, the gain was worth every ounce of pain.
Happy shagging!
Thursday, November 16, 2006
And out it comes...

Her name is Hana Arissa Abdul Hafidz and she was delivered at Thomson Medical Hospital under the care of Dr Lawrence Ang on 9 Nov @ 0718h.
After an 8 hour long labour; with just gas and pethidine to get by whilst I bleed profusely enough to scare the crap of out my hubby; 2 pushes and a forcep assisted delivery; out she comes crying lustily, weighing all of 2.7kg.
I'm now at home and will be arranging a baby shower after the conventional 40 day confinement period.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Is it coming yet?
37.5 weeks and waiting and waiting and waiting....
Had a gynae checkup on Monday- bub weighs 2.5kg (not bad!), mummy weights a mere 60.7kg. I was worried that I'm not putting on enough weigh (only 11kg so far) but nurse assures me that as long as baby is a healthy weight, I should not be too worried.
Arissa's position is head-down but she isn't engaged yet, in fact she is lying on her right. I told Dr Ang that I was having mild period-like cramps the whole night before and he offered to do an internal exam to check me out. Man, it hurt!!! I squeezed the nurse's hand so hard I think I saw her wince! He then appeared rather puzzled and told me that I'm already a little dilated (anxious me forgot to ask how many cm!!!) and that I should come back in 2 days time to see him.
The next day, I had some brown mucous discharge and went straight to my cousin Lin for clarification. Apparently its normal after a vaginal examination and that I should only inform my gynae if there is blood in the discharge.
So after 2 days of waiting, waiting, waiting... we're back to square one. Everyone has been so sweet, calling and asking if I'm ok but the fact is this waiting is driving me insane. Its like waiting for Mt Merapi to erupt.... a lot of smoke but naaaaaathing.... urgh!
Am going to gynae today again, will keep everyone informed.
Had a gynae checkup on Monday- bub weighs 2.5kg (not bad!), mummy weights a mere 60.7kg. I was worried that I'm not putting on enough weigh (only 11kg so far) but nurse assures me that as long as baby is a healthy weight, I should not be too worried.
Arissa's position is head-down but she isn't engaged yet, in fact she is lying on her right. I told Dr Ang that I was having mild period-like cramps the whole night before and he offered to do an internal exam to check me out. Man, it hurt!!! I squeezed the nurse's hand so hard I think I saw her wince! He then appeared rather puzzled and told me that I'm already a little dilated (anxious me forgot to ask how many cm!!!) and that I should come back in 2 days time to see him.
The next day, I had some brown mucous discharge and went straight to my cousin Lin for clarification. Apparently its normal after a vaginal examination and that I should only inform my gynae if there is blood in the discharge.
So after 2 days of waiting, waiting, waiting... we're back to square one. Everyone has been so sweet, calling and asking if I'm ok but the fact is this waiting is driving me insane. Its like waiting for Mt Merapi to erupt.... a lot of smoke but naaaaaathing.... urgh!
Am going to gynae today again, will keep everyone informed.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
The Impending Arrival of Little Bub! Hurrah!!
I'm approaching 37 weeks this Saturday, which means Arissa will be deemed a full-term baby by next Saturday.
NB: For those who are clueless, babies are considered 'full-term' at 38 weeks although most pregnancies can go up to 40 weeks. From Week 38, baby's internal and external organs are already fully formed and can be born without any complications. Those 2 weeks between Week 38 and 40 are only a time when they start storing mass and plumping up.
Everyone in the office is starting to notice how heavy and tired I look, and my 'big bird walk' is becoming more pronounced. Whereas I felt very energetic and lively in my 2nd trimester, the end bit of the 3rd trimester has me alternating between feeling tired and lazy and the sudden urge to clean and re-organise baby things. It feels like the 1st trimester, I wake up feeling tired and go through the day in a daze.
The symptoms I've read so much about that points to the impending arrival of little bub are:
SWOLLEN FEET started the day before Hari Raya when we were all busy spring cleaning. I didn't realise it at first but it got harder and harder to walk about and when I looked down, I thought to myself "Hang on.... those aren't my feet" but they were!!! My ankles had disappeared to Lala Land and the whole feet looked like a water balloon with skinny toes. I went to sleep with my feet propped on a pillow but there was still a bit of swelling the next day and it got progressively worse as the festive day went on and there was no time to get off my feet. To this day, my feet starts to swell after a little standing and walking.
An old wives tale says that when the water retention recedes suddenly after long periods of bad swelling, Mum will immediately go into labour.
BRAXTON HICKS Contractions started on my leave day Monday, 30 Oct. I woke up feeling something once familiar- a dull period cramp. My whole belly was hard and the period cramp was persistent even though I laid still for a good 5 minutes. Eventually it went away, leaving me slightly sore, and I got up to shower and have breakfast. In the middle of brekkie, the pain came back coupled with another feeling- the need to do Number 2. Argh! Even after Number 2, I didn't feel any better and went to sit quietly at my laptop, responding to emails and trying to forget the ache. After about 10 minutes, it went away for good. Have been getting contractions about once or twice a day... usually in the mornings. What I do is just lie still with my feet propped up and try to relax.
NESTING mood means the need to make a cosy little nest for the bub. This includes all manner of cleaning and re-organising baby things in preparation her arrival. Even though I was feeling heavy and rather lazy, I felt well enough to pack my hospital bag, wash all baby clothes, put all bath things in one basket (baby toiletries smell heavenly!!), free up some space in my wardrobe to accommodate Arissa's stuff. Of course at the end of the day, all the ligaments in my body was stretched and sore.
Hari Raya visiting didnt go to waste despite the waddling and the swollen feet and the various other discomforts. I had many relatives dishing out a piece of advise or two on birthing but they all agree on this one thing: It will be painful as hell. Of course, we now have the magic potion called epidural but therein lies a whole host of other complications which I won't go into today. Anyway, magazines and books advise to KEEP AN OPEN MIND. I may go in there rejecting epidural but after 20hours labour, epidural may become veeerrryyy tempting. The point, so I've been told, is not to get too worn out before the pushing actually starts that bub gets stuck in cervix *nightmare*.
NB: For those who are clueless, babies are considered 'full-term' at 38 weeks although most pregnancies can go up to 40 weeks. From Week 38, baby's internal and external organs are already fully formed and can be born without any complications. Those 2 weeks between Week 38 and 40 are only a time when they start storing mass and plumping up.
Everyone in the office is starting to notice how heavy and tired I look, and my 'big bird walk' is becoming more pronounced. Whereas I felt very energetic and lively in my 2nd trimester, the end bit of the 3rd trimester has me alternating between feeling tired and lazy and the sudden urge to clean and re-organise baby things. It feels like the 1st trimester, I wake up feeling tired and go through the day in a daze.
The symptoms I've read so much about that points to the impending arrival of little bub are:
SWOLLEN FEET started the day before Hari Raya when we were all busy spring cleaning. I didn't realise it at first but it got harder and harder to walk about and when I looked down, I thought to myself "Hang on.... those aren't my feet" but they were!!! My ankles had disappeared to Lala Land and the whole feet looked like a water balloon with skinny toes. I went to sleep with my feet propped on a pillow but there was still a bit of swelling the next day and it got progressively worse as the festive day went on and there was no time to get off my feet. To this day, my feet starts to swell after a little standing and walking.
An old wives tale says that when the water retention recedes suddenly after long periods of bad swelling, Mum will immediately go into labour.
BRAXTON HICKS Contractions started on my leave day Monday, 30 Oct. I woke up feeling something once familiar- a dull period cramp. My whole belly was hard and the period cramp was persistent even though I laid still for a good 5 minutes. Eventually it went away, leaving me slightly sore, and I got up to shower and have breakfast. In the middle of brekkie, the pain came back coupled with another feeling- the need to do Number 2. Argh! Even after Number 2, I didn't feel any better and went to sit quietly at my laptop, responding to emails and trying to forget the ache. After about 10 minutes, it went away for good. Have been getting contractions about once or twice a day... usually in the mornings. What I do is just lie still with my feet propped up and try to relax.
NESTING mood means the need to make a cosy little nest for the bub. This includes all manner of cleaning and re-organising baby things in preparation her arrival. Even though I was feeling heavy and rather lazy, I felt well enough to pack my hospital bag, wash all baby clothes, put all bath things in one basket (baby toiletries smell heavenly!!), free up some space in my wardrobe to accommodate Arissa's stuff. Of course at the end of the day, all the ligaments in my body was stretched and sore.
Hari Raya visiting didnt go to waste despite the waddling and the swollen feet and the various other discomforts. I had many relatives dishing out a piece of advise or two on birthing but they all agree on this one thing: It will be painful as hell. Of course, we now have the magic potion called epidural but therein lies a whole host of other complications which I won't go into today. Anyway, magazines and books advise to KEEP AN OPEN MIND. I may go in there rejecting epidural but after 20hours labour, epidural may become veeerrryyy tempting. The point, so I've been told, is not to get too worn out before the pushing actually starts that bub gets stuck in cervix *nightmare*.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Pregnancy IS contagious!!!
Is pregnancy contagious? I think so... I got pregnant, then found out Angela is pregnant, then Suraya got pregnant now followed by Fidza! Is romance flying about in the haze I wonder.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
4 weeks to full term & Where to Take Yoga Classes
Right-O.. No wonder I've been feeling extra lazy and extra heavy. I counted backwards from my EDD of 25 Nov and realised that I'm 34 weeks, another 4 weeks to full term; another 6 weeks to EDD.
Had the worst case of water retention last week when Hafidz & I went furniture hunting. My feet swelled up so badly, it felt like pins and needles whilst walking [see pic below]. Fortunately for me, it was just the feet and easily solved by propping them up on a very firm pillow throughout the night. Also had to cut down on my 100Plus, which I had been taking to avoid the foot cramps but which resulted in my water retention [hey whaddya know.. sodium is a kinda salt after all!]
Had the worst case of water retention last week when Hafidz & I went furniture hunting. My feet swelled up so badly, it felt like pins and needles whilst walking [see pic below]. Fortunately for me, it was just the feet and easily solved by propping them up on a very firm pillow throughout the night. Also had to cut down on my 100Plus, which I had been taking to avoid the foot cramps but which resulted in my water retention [hey whaddya know.. sodium is a kinda salt after all!]

This morning, Arissa started wiggling and everytime she did that, I felt a sudden urge to pee. My cousin, Lin, says its probably her hair tickling me, heee... I hope she's not a bald baby (quite unlikely if she has daddy's hair genes cos Hafidz is way too hairy for a Chinese boy).
She also doesnt move as much as she used too. My baby book says its cos they run out of room at this stage and they roll more than kick about.
I'm trying to join a Yoga class (yes, a bit too late but better late than never) to make my body more pliable for the birth process. My colleague Sharon, a mom to a 1 year old boy, recommends Yoga exercises over Lamaz breathing technique classes as the midwife or doula can assist your breathing in the delivery ward anyway. I'm trying to convince Sapna to buddy up with me, she can pretend she's 10 weeks preggers and no one would be the wiser- muahahaha (no offence intended Godma). Here are a couple of Yoga places offering neonatal Yoga for a reasonable price:
Check out this website:
The most reasonable one it seems is at "Birth & Beyond" at Tanglin Shopping Centre, 4th Level. Call Ellen @ 67361636 and she will patiently explain the classes available there. The one I was interested in was:
1 Trial session : $32 per mum
4 sessions : $120 per mum
6 sessions : $160 per mum
10 sessions : $240 per mum
Mon, 6.45pm ~ Tue, 9.45am ~ Fri, 10am ~ Sat, 10.30am
If you prefer a private session away from ogling eyes, the Svastha Yoga Studio is for you. Debra can be contacted at 96813403. She will arrange for you to come in for a rather pricey $100 per hour session [usually on a Sunday at 10am] and teach you all the basics so you can practice at home.
Most private hospitals offer neonatal exercise classes, packaged at 12 sessions starting from when you reach 20 weeks. Since I'm barely left with 6 weeks to EDD, this isn't an option for me.
She also doesnt move as much as she used too. My baby book says its cos they run out of room at this stage and they roll more than kick about.
I'm trying to join a Yoga class (yes, a bit too late but better late than never) to make my body more pliable for the birth process. My colleague Sharon, a mom to a 1 year old boy, recommends Yoga exercises over Lamaz breathing technique classes as the midwife or doula can assist your breathing in the delivery ward anyway. I'm trying to convince Sapna to buddy up with me, she can pretend she's 10 weeks preggers and no one would be the wiser- muahahaha (no offence intended Godma). Here are a couple of Yoga places offering neonatal Yoga for a reasonable price:
Check out this website:
The most reasonable one it seems is at "Birth & Beyond" at Tanglin Shopping Centre, 4th Level. Call Ellen @ 67361636 and she will patiently explain the classes available there. The one I was interested in was:
1 Trial session : $32 per mum
4 sessions : $120 per mum
6 sessions : $160 per mum
10 sessions : $240 per mum
Mon, 6.45pm ~ Tue, 9.45am ~ Fri, 10am ~ Sat, 10.30am
If you prefer a private session away from ogling eyes, the Svastha Yoga Studio is for you. Debra can be contacted at 96813403. She will arrange for you to come in for a rather pricey $100 per hour session [usually on a Sunday at 10am] and teach you all the basics so you can practice at home.
Most private hospitals offer neonatal exercise classes, packaged at 12 sessions starting from when you reach 20 weeks. Since I'm barely left with 6 weeks to EDD, this isn't an option for me.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Chew on this!
I came across this interesting fact the other day while reading Dr Spock's baby book:
Babies at birth are more likely to look like their dads than their mums.
The reason for this?
Women know that the child they have laboured for and given birth to is theirs biologically, without any doubt.
Men can never be 100% sure unless a DNA test is performed.
Nature's way is to simply let the bub take after the biological dad, so dads can be sure the mommies havent gone round the block with this one.
Sexist explanation- yes!
But interesting nonetheless...
Babies at birth are more likely to look like their dads than their mums.
The reason for this?
Women know that the child they have laboured for and given birth to is theirs biologically, without any doubt.
Men can never be 100% sure unless a DNA test is performed.
Nature's way is to simply let the bub take after the biological dad, so dads can be sure the mommies havent gone round the block with this one.
Sexist explanation- yes!
But interesting nonetheless...
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Things happening over the past month:
Mel and I call each other 'twin' simply cos we were both skinny, gawky and terribly ugly in secondary school. 15 years later, this one has blossomed into a real knock-out and her wedding day is a day before my 1st year anniversary- nice timing! Her husband and I go way back- we knew each other as schoolmates since we were 6 and scraping our knees. So to Karman & Mel, I'm so happy this finally happened.. I've waited a whole year for it!!
Mel and I call each other 'twin' simply cos we were both skinny, gawky and terribly ugly in secondary school. 15 years later, this one has blossomed into a real knock-out and her wedding day is a day before my 1st year anniversary- nice timing! Her husband and I go way back- we knew each other as schoolmates since we were 6 and scraping our knees. So to Karman & Mel, I'm so happy this finally happened.. I've waited a whole year for it!!

Used to be 5, and now there are 4... Me, Suraya, Rifqi, Sanah, Syifaa on a typical bday outing- where we all stuff ourselves and talk cock and laugh all night long. Fidza, just so you know.. u were sorely missed!!

Suraya at 5 month pregnant- can't see a damn thing and she still insists on wearing her heels. I'm so glad I'm sharing this pregnancy with you, pompan giler, and there's someone I can call and ask "Ey, are you fasting today? I'm feeling woozy, shall we go grab lunch?" ooaaahahahaha!

A Mehendhi party for Nitya who's getting married in Seam Reap Angkor Wat temple. What a spectacular wedding it will be. But I'll be so big the airline people will not allow me past baggage clearance. I hope you like your prezzie and put it to good use? *wink*

~The End~
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Belly Belly Huge @ 30 weeks
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
3rd Trimester- the Home stretch...
I've just passed the week 30 lap, Hafidz & I have more or less agreed on a name- ARISSA meaning 'BRIGHT' and 'SMART' in Arabic. All I've spoken to seems to be in favour of the name and friends have already started referring to her by name saying things like "So what is baby arissa doing right now?" as if she's already a real person. Its kinda wild that this soon-to-be person inside of me who's daily routine includes acrobatics and tap dancing at totally inappropriate times, like when I'm in a meeting or just about to doze off at night, will have a real name, a real face and a real personality. 10 more weeks to go...
Lets see what changes have been happening according to
Week 29
By this point in your pregnancy your blood volume has doubled. Thanks to the crowding of your stomach, heartburn may be a problem for you as time goes on. Ask your care provider for suggestions on treating it. In the meantime, try eating smaller, more frequent meals and remain upright for a time after eating. Rest assured that it will go away once the baby is born. Pregnancy can cause a rise in your blood pressure called PID or Pregnancy Induced Hypertension. Your care provider will be checking your blood pressure at every visit to make sure this is not an issue for you. You will probably find that though you've been feeling pretty energetic throughout your second trimester, you are beginning to slow down now. Pay attention to your body's signals and rest when you need to. The time is ripe to begin writing down your plans for your birth.
Week 30
Exercise is still an important activity for you, even though it gets harder as you get larger and heavier. Try swimming, stretching and walking…all excellent options for pregnant women. Now is the time to take a good look at your breasts and nipples. If they look flat or even inverted, have a talk with your care provider. Nursing is still possible of course, but may require some additional preparation. Lying on your left side is the ideal position for sleeping since it prevents the weight of the baby from obstructing the blood flow through the vena cava and aorta, both of which lie slightly to the right of your spine.
Week 31
Are you waddling? This is because the ligaments in your pelvis have softened, allowing your hips to spread in preparation for birth. The top of your uterus (fundus) should be about 4 ½ inches above your belly button now. If it is significantly less than that your care provider may be concerned about intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR). This means that the baby may not be growing as well as he should be. This only happens in 3 to 7% of all pregnancies. It is more likely to occur in a multiple pregnancy and may only affect one of the babies. If you find that the increased weight of your breasts is uncomfortable when sleeping try wearing a soft but supportive bra to bed.
Week 29
Space is getting really tight for the baby. She will have her knees tucked up to her chest now all the time in the 'fetal position'. The baby's bone marrow has now taken over production of red blood cells. Due to the lack of space available to her now, your baby will make fewer big movements, like somersaults, and more small movements of the arms and legs. Now that almost all of the baby's organs are functioning, his growth will focus on maturing those organs and growing muscle mass and fat stores. He should more than double his weight again between now and birth. All 300 bones in the little one's body are present and accounted for now, though some of them will fuse after birth, leaving a grand, lifetime total of 206.
Week 30
The early baby fuzz, lanugo, is disappearing now and being replaced by actual hair. Baby is approaching 16 inches long and is weighing about 3 pounds now. Some babies are already sucking their thumbs. It is possible for the baby to cry real tears, even within the womb. The baby's brain is growing rapidly, developing hundreds of billions of new nerve cells. All of this work will be finished by birth. No new nerve cells will be added after birth, though the brain will not reach full size until your child is 5 years old.
Week 31
Your baby's irises are now responsive to light, dilating and contracting as needed. Due to deposits of fat under the skin, your little one's skin is now pink rather than red. Your baby's nails are now long enough to reach to the tip of her fingers or beyond and may need trimming as soon as she's born so she doesn't scratch herself. A loud noise near you may cause your little one to jump.
I've just found out a trick to settle Arissa down for the night when she gets super active at bedtime. I'll put on some Mozart, dim the lights and soon (give her 5-10mins), her kicks and punches would've died down. This indicates that she is listening intently (which is good for her brain waves I've been told) but I think eventually she dozes off to sleep she'll be quiet the whole night. Good for mummy!!!
Lets see what changes have been happening according to
Week 29
By this point in your pregnancy your blood volume has doubled. Thanks to the crowding of your stomach, heartburn may be a problem for you as time goes on. Ask your care provider for suggestions on treating it. In the meantime, try eating smaller, more frequent meals and remain upright for a time after eating. Rest assured that it will go away once the baby is born. Pregnancy can cause a rise in your blood pressure called PID or Pregnancy Induced Hypertension. Your care provider will be checking your blood pressure at every visit to make sure this is not an issue for you. You will probably find that though you've been feeling pretty energetic throughout your second trimester, you are beginning to slow down now. Pay attention to your body's signals and rest when you need to. The time is ripe to begin writing down your plans for your birth.
Week 30
Exercise is still an important activity for you, even though it gets harder as you get larger and heavier. Try swimming, stretching and walking…all excellent options for pregnant women. Now is the time to take a good look at your breasts and nipples. If they look flat or even inverted, have a talk with your care provider. Nursing is still possible of course, but may require some additional preparation. Lying on your left side is the ideal position for sleeping since it prevents the weight of the baby from obstructing the blood flow through the vena cava and aorta, both of which lie slightly to the right of your spine.
Week 31
Are you waddling? This is because the ligaments in your pelvis have softened, allowing your hips to spread in preparation for birth. The top of your uterus (fundus) should be about 4 ½ inches above your belly button now. If it is significantly less than that your care provider may be concerned about intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR). This means that the baby may not be growing as well as he should be. This only happens in 3 to 7% of all pregnancies. It is more likely to occur in a multiple pregnancy and may only affect one of the babies. If you find that the increased weight of your breasts is uncomfortable when sleeping try wearing a soft but supportive bra to bed.
Week 29
Space is getting really tight for the baby. She will have her knees tucked up to her chest now all the time in the 'fetal position'. The baby's bone marrow has now taken over production of red blood cells. Due to the lack of space available to her now, your baby will make fewer big movements, like somersaults, and more small movements of the arms and legs. Now that almost all of the baby's organs are functioning, his growth will focus on maturing those organs and growing muscle mass and fat stores. He should more than double his weight again between now and birth. All 300 bones in the little one's body are present and accounted for now, though some of them will fuse after birth, leaving a grand, lifetime total of 206.
Week 30
The early baby fuzz, lanugo, is disappearing now and being replaced by actual hair. Baby is approaching 16 inches long and is weighing about 3 pounds now. Some babies are already sucking their thumbs. It is possible for the baby to cry real tears, even within the womb. The baby's brain is growing rapidly, developing hundreds of billions of new nerve cells. All of this work will be finished by birth. No new nerve cells will be added after birth, though the brain will not reach full size until your child is 5 years old.
Week 31
Your baby's irises are now responsive to light, dilating and contracting as needed. Due to deposits of fat under the skin, your little one's skin is now pink rather than red. Your baby's nails are now long enough to reach to the tip of her fingers or beyond and may need trimming as soon as she's born so she doesn't scratch herself. A loud noise near you may cause your little one to jump.
I've just found out a trick to settle Arissa down for the night when she gets super active at bedtime. I'll put on some Mozart, dim the lights and soon (give her 5-10mins), her kicks and punches would've died down. This indicates that she is listening intently (which is good for her brain waves I've been told) but I think eventually she dozes off to sleep she'll be quiet the whole night. Good for mummy!!!
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Where to Shop for Baby Stuff
I'm the first to admit- I'm generally a tightwad. I like em cheap, and I like em good, so when it was time to shop for baby stuff.. I asked around for cheap bargains and went visiting these places:
Address : 83 Kaki Bukit Ave 1 #01-00 Shun Li Ind Park Singapore 417954
Tel : 6547 1677
My 2-cents :
I love the baby changing tables at this place, ranging from $350 onwards. Wide selection of baby prams and car seats and slightly cheaper than Baby Hyperstore. For example, a Peg Preggo pram + car seat combi I was eyeing was about $30 cheaper here than Baby Hyperstore. They also sell Britax car seats (Economy, Business and First Class seats) for newborns up to 8 years old. Its a bit pricey (ard $600 onw) but you only buy one to last 6 years instead of buying 3 [an infant carseat (NB to 18mths) -> toddlers seat (18mths to 4 years) -> booster (4 years onw)]. Only thing is the colour is a tad dreary and boring. Upstairs, you'll find the light-duty stuff: diapers, toiletries, clothings, bath tubs etc.
Address : 69 Kaki Bukit Ave 1 Shun Li Ind Pk Singapore 417947
Tel : 6844 1123
My 2-cents :
Next door to Baby Kingdom. But if its baby clothings you're looking for, give this place a miss. Instead, Baby Hyperstore has a wide range of heavy duty baby stuff- car seats, baby prams and baby strollers, cribs, playpens. They sell big brand names including Peg Preggo, Quinny, Maxi Cosi, Combi and Aprilla at heavily discounted prices from say, Robinsons or Metro. It also sells those antenatal audio equipment for listening to your baby's heartbeat at home for about $60.
Address : Blk 6, 154 Tagore Lane Singapore 787567
Tel: 6333-6002
Website :
My 2-cents :
The sad thing is they're only open office hours so I havent had a chance to pop in yet. The website, however, is pretty comprehensive and you can order online. They don't have big brands, mostly in-house brands but the Bumboo baby seat is something I'd like to get when baby is older. Kidzloft was also featured in a Channel 8 baby programme hosted by hot mumma Zoe Tay. Prices seem very reasonable.
Address : West Mall; Choa Chu Kang Centre; Woodlands Civic Centre; Tiong Bahru Plaza
My 2-cents :
A few outlets, the one I went was in Yishun Northpoint during a huge baby sale. They sell 0-18 months rompers and other pieces of clothing for as cheap as $3 each from well-known brands like Baby Gap and the like. Mostly surplus but its clean, soft and new so I don't see why not- anyway they grow out of them so quickly. Also sells mum's pregger clothes but those are too tacky for me.
Address : I dont know the exact address but its alongside Pizza Hut (just across the little road) at Bedok Interchange. You can spot it by the little bicycles and tricycles on display out front.
My 2-cents :
I love this little hunt- everytime someone gives birth, I run over here to get them a prezzie. The best gift ever must be their baby bath seat, for only about S$60. I've given 2 of my girlfriends this little baby bath seat and they love it so much, they started recommending it to other people (I'll post a pic when I get my gf to send me one of hers) . Apparently it makes baby bathing a breeze- forget the ole chunky bath tub, the foldable baby bath seat looks like a mini rocker, lets you put your baby inside it thereby freeing BOTH hands! You put the seat in a large sink or on the bathroom floor and shower the little one using a normal shower head. He/she's happily lying back relaxed so you don't have to deal with the little one squirming and making a fuss at bathtime. Once bathtime is over, you simply hang the shower seat up to dry. Its made of rustless plastic and soft mesh that dries very quickly.
This place also sells things at a fraction of department store prices- mattresses, play pen and the lot. Don't expect big brands though, it is after all an 'uncle' shop.
A bargain hunter like me would never miss a baby fair. The one at Takashimaya recently offered good bargains- Avent baby bottle was selling at $6 (UP $9+), booties and mittens were selling at $3 and rompers and separates were goin for 3 for $10. Although I blew an extravagant $150, I got everything light duty sorted out- nipple creams, baby bottles, many many clothing, toiletries, breast pads, cotton wools, hair brush, mittens & booties, rubber mats blablabla.
I'll let you guys know of other baby fairs when I hear of them.
Yahoo (Singapore) Auction Site
A lot of people auction off relatively new playpens, cribs, changing tables at really reasonable prices just to clear spaces in their storerooms at home. Sure its not new but if its a 2 years old something, the condition should still be acceptable. If you need to buy a 'luxury' item (ie something you don't really need, but would be nice to have) like a baby changing table, this is the place to go. I saw some guy auctioning off a 1 year old IKEA baby changing table for a mere $20. What's more, you can contact seller for more pics or to clarify certain doubts before making a purchase decision.
Hope this saves you some mullah!
Address : 83 Kaki Bukit Ave 1 #01-00 Shun Li Ind Park Singapore 417954
Tel : 6547 1677
My 2-cents :
I love the baby changing tables at this place, ranging from $350 onwards. Wide selection of baby prams and car seats and slightly cheaper than Baby Hyperstore. For example, a Peg Preggo pram + car seat combi I was eyeing was about $30 cheaper here than Baby Hyperstore. They also sell Britax car seats (Economy, Business and First Class seats) for newborns up to 8 years old. Its a bit pricey (ard $600 onw) but you only buy one to last 6 years instead of buying 3 [an infant carseat (NB to 18mths) -> toddlers seat (18mths to 4 years) -> booster (4 years onw)]. Only thing is the colour is a tad dreary and boring. Upstairs, you'll find the light-duty stuff: diapers, toiletries, clothings, bath tubs etc.
Address : 69 Kaki Bukit Ave 1 Shun Li Ind Pk Singapore 417947
Tel : 6844 1123
My 2-cents :
Next door to Baby Kingdom. But if its baby clothings you're looking for, give this place a miss. Instead, Baby Hyperstore has a wide range of heavy duty baby stuff- car seats, baby prams and baby strollers, cribs, playpens. They sell big brand names including Peg Preggo, Quinny, Maxi Cosi, Combi and Aprilla at heavily discounted prices from say, Robinsons or Metro. It also sells those antenatal audio equipment for listening to your baby's heartbeat at home for about $60.
Address : Blk 6, 154 Tagore Lane Singapore 787567
Tel: 6333-6002
Website :
My 2-cents :
The sad thing is they're only open office hours so I havent had a chance to pop in yet. The website, however, is pretty comprehensive and you can order online. They don't have big brands, mostly in-house brands but the Bumboo baby seat is something I'd like to get when baby is older. Kidzloft was also featured in a Channel 8 baby programme hosted by hot mumma Zoe Tay. Prices seem very reasonable.
Address : West Mall; Choa Chu Kang Centre; Woodlands Civic Centre; Tiong Bahru Plaza
My 2-cents :
A few outlets, the one I went was in Yishun Northpoint during a huge baby sale. They sell 0-18 months rompers and other pieces of clothing for as cheap as $3 each from well-known brands like Baby Gap and the like. Mostly surplus but its clean, soft and new so I don't see why not- anyway they grow out of them so quickly. Also sells mum's pregger clothes but those are too tacky for me.
Address : I dont know the exact address but its alongside Pizza Hut (just across the little road) at Bedok Interchange. You can spot it by the little bicycles and tricycles on display out front.
My 2-cents :
I love this little hunt- everytime someone gives birth, I run over here to get them a prezzie. The best gift ever must be their baby bath seat, for only about S$60. I've given 2 of my girlfriends this little baby bath seat and they love it so much, they started recommending it to other people (I'll post a pic when I get my gf to send me one of hers) . Apparently it makes baby bathing a breeze- forget the ole chunky bath tub, the foldable baby bath seat looks like a mini rocker, lets you put your baby inside it thereby freeing BOTH hands! You put the seat in a large sink or on the bathroom floor and shower the little one using a normal shower head. He/she's happily lying back relaxed so you don't have to deal with the little one squirming and making a fuss at bathtime. Once bathtime is over, you simply hang the shower seat up to dry. Its made of rustless plastic and soft mesh that dries very quickly.
This place also sells things at a fraction of department store prices- mattresses, play pen and the lot. Don't expect big brands though, it is after all an 'uncle' shop.
A bargain hunter like me would never miss a baby fair. The one at Takashimaya recently offered good bargains- Avent baby bottle was selling at $6 (UP $9+), booties and mittens were selling at $3 and rompers and separates were goin for 3 for $10. Although I blew an extravagant $150, I got everything light duty sorted out- nipple creams, baby bottles, many many clothing, toiletries, breast pads, cotton wools, hair brush, mittens & booties, rubber mats blablabla.
I'll let you guys know of other baby fairs when I hear of them.
Yahoo (Singapore) Auction Site
A lot of people auction off relatively new playpens, cribs, changing tables at really reasonable prices just to clear spaces in their storerooms at home. Sure its not new but if its a 2 years old something, the condition should still be acceptable. If you need to buy a 'luxury' item (ie something you don't really need, but would be nice to have) like a baby changing table, this is the place to go. I saw some guy auctioning off a 1 year old IKEA baby changing table for a mere $20. What's more, you can contact seller for more pics or to clarify certain doubts before making a purchase decision.
Hope this saves you some mullah!
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Mood Swings in Pregnancy

We women are renowned for our temperament especially during 'that time of the month'. But pregnancy brings out the beast in me sometimes. It doesn't happen very often- I've had screaming episodes maybe 4 times so far. It always starts the same way- wake up feeling F-U, I start feeling trapped in my own pregnant body, depression and dissatisfaction sets in and I feel the need to vent my frustration on someone (ie my husband is the most convenient, of course).
The smallest thing that offends me will set me whining, then bitching, then finger-pointing and, when Hafidz is in the mood not to take shit from me, it will evolve into our infamous fights. Then I will refuse to talk and start weeping, and he will eventually apologise (give him an hour or two) and profess his eternal love. His apologies aren't theme-specific though and goes along the lines of "I'm sorry for what happened" although I know he is totally clueless as to how a molehill became a Himalaya of a mountain.
Unfortunately, I cannot find a good enough explanation or solution for this, ladies.. Many books blame it on a whole host of hormones- prolactin, relaxin, HPL, oestrogen, progesterone, prostaglandin and mysterious workings of my glands. The bottom line is that YOU need to keep the beast in chains.
Try a couple of things that will work for you. I found that my solutions, in descending order of effectiveness, include:
Meet/call a close girlfriend
..but don't whine, talk about something that'll cheer you up. Gossip is always an outlet. And with girlfriends, you know you don't have the advantage of turning them into punching bags.
Watch a really sad sad dvd alone and weep your eyes out
Basically the rationale is to get the frustration out of your system and we women do it best by crying our eyeballs out.
Prayers settle me down some and gives me a sense of peace. It also keeps my mind occupied with 'holy' things, the antithesis of anger.
Avoid your husband!
Tell him to take a hike cos you're in a bad mood and you'd appreciate if he stays out of your face because you're not responsible for your actions. Get involved in an activity that precludes men in general- bake a cake, reorganise your wardrobe, sift through old stuff to donate to charity.
Shutting Up!
Just refuse to talk when the depression sets in. I'll be sulky for half a day but I save my husband from the grief of tangling with my erratic hormones.
PS: Some old wives tale says that if you HATE the sight of your other half during your pregnancy, the baby will look just like him!? Ask around, many people I've spoken to have confirmed this theory.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Pregnancy home treatments- cheap, tested and effective!

My cousin from KL, Norish, an experienced mum w 2 little princes, sent me a list of massages/ treatments I can do myself, in the comfort of my own home, to ease the various displeasures of pregnancy. I quote her fully here:
for your aching feet, every day after work, soak both feet in hot hot water first, and I mean reaallllyy hot ones. soak it until you can't tahan the heat anymore, but you should be able to feel the ache or tension easing off, than quickly dip in ice bath (bowl or baldi filled with ice and water). best gilaaaa... lepas tu wrap your feet with towels. masa tengah lembap2 tu (when its damp) rub lavender oil or olive oil from BodyShop, then wrap again and put up on two pillows, slightly higher than your head.. aaaahhhhhhh.. memang best.. try it.
as for sleeping at night. put one pillow under the belly whenever you turn left or right. and baby Arissa (nice name) will be sort of cushioned and she will stop moving or kicking.
one more thing to try, heat up a few round flat stones, big ones (you know the black shiny stones used for creative paving or pot filling tu ?) yup that one, take some, wrap in towel and heat in microwave. ask hafiz to do this. You, of course, must be lying ready in bed, on your side. ask hafiz to rub the stones on your back, especially along the spine. or put in on your tapak kaki. heavenly..!!!!
I'm trying them tonight! Thanks akak!
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Bub in 3D
Round Ligament Stretch- wat dat?!
28 Aug 06 - 27 weeks
Pregnant + Moving House = Ligament Stretch.
Simple equation. A pregnant woman should not be overzealously doing housework or carrying heavy stuff. Unless she's a stubborn pregnant woman who tells people "Dont worry, I'm pregnant not disabled". Like me.
Remember I said the little niggles were getting to me (aka pelvic pressure)? Well, the actual term my gynae used when I saw him 2 days ago was "Round Ligament Strech" which means as the uterus grows bigger to accommodate the baby, the surrounding ligament gets pulled making simple walking, standing up, rolling over in bed and carrying a laundry bag a painful task. Shooting pain will affect either 1 or both sides of the pelvic bone, which I felt deep in the groin (around the ovaries). The good news is that its not serious, the bad news is it stays with you throughout the pregnancy. At first I thought it had to do with my womb 'dropping' but my gynae assured me otherwise. The ligament stretch has nothing to do with the baby's position, more to do with Mum's daily activities. If she walks, turns and carries things like Superwoman, she'll be more susceptible to ligament stretch. The solution: take things easy, put your feet up whenever possible and put a cold/warm press to the affected area.
A visit to your gynae is also important since he/she has to rule out SPD which is a serious condition. Same symptoms but ligament hurts even when you're resting. SPD will affect your ability to give birth naturally.
If you are experiencing this, read up at the following websites:
Last check revealed a healthy 1kg bub, Doc says its 'very normal' but I'm worried she may be big since my baby book says at 28 weeks, baby should be around 700g. No wonder I get so tired after climbing up the overhead bridge. I'm carrying a sack of potatoes inside my belly! I've only gained 5kg so far and no water retention which means I look normal. Hafidz says from the back, no one would be able to tell I'm preggers. Her kicks and punches are very distinct now, most times my belly shifts suddenly from the tapdance routine or punches. Its really fun to just lie down and watch her in action, which usually starts from 9pm onwards.
(Excerpt from Childbirth Solutions)
Week 27
You may begin to put on weight more quickly now, but don't let that faze you. Keep eating a healthy diet and the pounds will take care of themselves, paying off in a healthy baby with a healthy mommy. Some shortness of breath can be expected as the growing baby pushes up, crowding your lungs. Most accidental falls during pregnancy cause no problems, due to the superior cushion the amniotic fluid provides. You should, however, call your care provider if you fall and then notice a sudden discharge of fluid from the vagina or severe abdominal pain.
Those beautiful baby eyes can open now, and the baby will notice and turn her head if you shine hold a flashlight against your belly. The baby's skin is very wrinkled right now due to the fact that the skin grows faster that the fat layer underneath it. They won't really even up for a while after birth. The retina at the back of your baby's eyes is beginning to develop. Brain wave recordings show rapid eye movement now. The hair follicles on the skin are just now forming. Blood flows through the umbilical cord and through the baby's body within 30 seconds, traveling at 4 mph.
BTW: Angela, congrats babe on being pregnant!!! I was completely shocked when you told me but so very very happy for you. I'll try to add in more details of my pregnancy experience in my posts, like you asked, so you can compare your experience and mine. As they say, 2 pregnancies are never alike!
Pregnant + Moving House = Ligament Stretch.
Simple equation. A pregnant woman should not be overzealously doing housework or carrying heavy stuff. Unless she's a stubborn pregnant woman who tells people "Dont worry, I'm pregnant not disabled". Like me.
Remember I said the little niggles were getting to me (aka pelvic pressure)? Well, the actual term my gynae used when I saw him 2 days ago was "Round Ligament Strech" which means as the uterus grows bigger to accommodate the baby, the surrounding ligament gets pulled making simple walking, standing up, rolling over in bed and carrying a laundry bag a painful task. Shooting pain will affect either 1 or both sides of the pelvic bone, which I felt deep in the groin (around the ovaries). The good news is that its not serious, the bad news is it stays with you throughout the pregnancy. At first I thought it had to do with my womb 'dropping' but my gynae assured me otherwise. The ligament stretch has nothing to do with the baby's position, more to do with Mum's daily activities. If she walks, turns and carries things like Superwoman, she'll be more susceptible to ligament stretch. The solution: take things easy, put your feet up whenever possible and put a cold/warm press to the affected area.
A visit to your gynae is also important since he/she has to rule out SPD which is a serious condition. Same symptoms but ligament hurts even when you're resting. SPD will affect your ability to give birth naturally.
If you are experiencing this, read up at the following websites:
Last check revealed a healthy 1kg bub, Doc says its 'very normal' but I'm worried she may be big since my baby book says at 28 weeks, baby should be around 700g. No wonder I get so tired after climbing up the overhead bridge. I'm carrying a sack of potatoes inside my belly! I've only gained 5kg so far and no water retention which means I look normal. Hafidz says from the back, no one would be able to tell I'm preggers. Her kicks and punches are very distinct now, most times my belly shifts suddenly from the tapdance routine or punches. Its really fun to just lie down and watch her in action, which usually starts from 9pm onwards.
(Excerpt from Childbirth Solutions)
Week 27
You may begin to put on weight more quickly now, but don't let that faze you. Keep eating a healthy diet and the pounds will take care of themselves, paying off in a healthy baby with a healthy mommy. Some shortness of breath can be expected as the growing baby pushes up, crowding your lungs. Most accidental falls during pregnancy cause no problems, due to the superior cushion the amniotic fluid provides. You should, however, call your care provider if you fall and then notice a sudden discharge of fluid from the vagina or severe abdominal pain.
Those beautiful baby eyes can open now, and the baby will notice and turn her head if you shine hold a flashlight against your belly. The baby's skin is very wrinkled right now due to the fact that the skin grows faster that the fat layer underneath it. They won't really even up for a while after birth. The retina at the back of your baby's eyes is beginning to develop. Brain wave recordings show rapid eye movement now. The hair follicles on the skin are just now forming. Blood flows through the umbilical cord and through the baby's body within 30 seconds, traveling at 4 mph.
BTW: Angela, congrats babe on being pregnant!!! I was completely shocked when you told me but so very very happy for you. I'll try to add in more details of my pregnancy experience in my posts, like you asked, so you can compare your experience and mine. As they say, 2 pregnancies are never alike!
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Next on the Shopping List- Our Very Own Apartment!
What with baby coming, we thought we'd be more comfortable living in our own space. So we went hunting for our own (HDB) aparment with a few set pre-requisites in mind: a) has to be walking distance from an MRT station b) has to be a new neighbourhood c) has to be in the North end of this tiny island where both sets of grandparents reside d) has to be on a high floor and airy and e) do not need full renovation. We probably looked at 30-odd houses before we made up our minds. Thank goodness Hafidz & I agreed on that 1 dream apartment, unlike our tussle with baby names. It was slightly beyond our budget but it fulfilled all criteria to a T. We decided it was worth the extra and signed the 7million papers the (unfriendly but efficient) HDB officer placed in front of us. At the end of the 2nd appointment, Hafidz & I thought we'd somehow be declared bankrupt and be sent to the poorhouse.
So now 26 weeks pregnant, we are frantically trying to posh up the house for our impending move. Furniture to be bought, electrical appliances to be installed, walls to be puttied and sandpapered and painted, toilets to be cleaned... the list goes on.
My advise to future brides and grooms, "waste not want not"... once you've signed the marriage papers, there's no stopping your bank account from bleeding.
So now 26 weeks pregnant, we are frantically trying to posh up the house for our impending move. Furniture to be bought, electrical appliances to be installed, walls to be puttied and sandpapered and painted, toilets to be cleaned... the list goes on.
My advise to future brides and grooms, "waste not want not"... once you've signed the marriage papers, there's no stopping your bank account from bleeding.
Friday, August 25, 2006
Great reads!
Birthplan, Pre-eclampsia, Gestational Diabetes, Braxton-Hicks contractions.... foreign medical terms that make me go "huh?". To avoid looking like a complete fool and more of a well-informed mum in the gynae's office, I would like to share these books, magazines and websites that offer a mass of information:
Look at 'Pregnancy' section. This portion looks at week-by-week development of Mum & Bub. I love the sense of empowerment- I have a rough idea of what will happen to my body next week and I can imagine the development taking place in my little princess this week. It also has articles like "What to take to the Hospital" or explanatory brochures on gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia.
PREGNANCY & BIRTH magazine (Australia edition)
Fantastic read- light, cheerful and informative. My favourite pregnancy magazine- articles on everything including diaries of different pregnant women, in her own words detailing trimester 1 through birth, in every edition. Makes me feel less alienated knowing that other women go through the exact same process and actually turn out alright!!! I have subscription details and samples to loan to anyone interested.
...and the fun begins! Choosing baby names is possibly the most tedious thing to do between a couple. I have favourite names in mind from when I was a single 18 year old, all of which was shot down by my husband in a matter of minutes. "Sofie" was too old fashioned; "Najah" sounded like 'gajah' (Malay for elephant); "Hannah" was a 'mina' sounding name. AAARRGGGHHH!!! In return he offers me names like "Najla" which I said was too ugly sounding and "Ghaniah" which sounded like a boy's name. Happy arguing!
Warning: Do not trust 1 source only, if you like a name check out its meaning on several websites and books. Some of these websites allow the public to upload a name and its accompanying meaning, which may turn out inaccurate.
Other sites that offer great array of Muslim Baby Names:
This isn't a pregnancy website but for an MVP sufferer like me, it helps to understand why in heaven do I feel so breathless sometimes and feels like I'm close to passing out at others.
see also:
Will keep adding more...!
Look at 'Pregnancy' section. This portion looks at week-by-week development of Mum & Bub. I love the sense of empowerment- I have a rough idea of what will happen to my body next week and I can imagine the development taking place in my little princess this week. It also has articles like "What to take to the Hospital" or explanatory brochures on gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia.
PREGNANCY & BIRTH magazine (Australia edition)
Fantastic read- light, cheerful and informative. My favourite pregnancy magazine- articles on everything including diaries of different pregnant women, in her own words detailing trimester 1 through birth, in every edition. Makes me feel less alienated knowing that other women go through the exact same process and actually turn out alright!!! I have subscription details and samples to loan to anyone interested.
...and the fun begins! Choosing baby names is possibly the most tedious thing to do between a couple. I have favourite names in mind from when I was a single 18 year old, all of which was shot down by my husband in a matter of minutes. "Sofie" was too old fashioned; "Najah" sounded like 'gajah' (Malay for elephant); "Hannah" was a 'mina' sounding name. AAARRGGGHHH!!! In return he offers me names like "Najla" which I said was too ugly sounding and "Ghaniah" which sounded like a boy's name. Happy arguing!
Warning: Do not trust 1 source only, if you like a name check out its meaning on several websites and books. Some of these websites allow the public to upload a name and its accompanying meaning, which may turn out inaccurate.
Other sites that offer great array of Muslim Baby Names:
This isn't a pregnancy website but for an MVP sufferer like me, it helps to understand why in heaven do I feel so breathless sometimes and feels like I'm close to passing out at others.
see also:
Will keep adding more...!
Monday, August 21, 2006
25 weeks and counting..
16 Aug 06 - 25 weeks
Small niggles starting to get to me.
1) My MVP (mitral valve prolapse- where chambers of my heart don't close properly allowing leakage of deoxygenated blood backwards into the oxygenated chamber) is getting worse as the gynae predicted. I'm often breathless, particularly at night, when I'm lying down horizontal. Nothing can be done really so I just have to put up with it. Hafidz gives me slow back massages to relax me but it doesn't really help. Lying on my left makes breathing easier but baby hates it and will start kicking me vigorously asking me to move.
2) Pelvic pressure sometimes causing an unnoticeable limp in my walk because the baby's head is pressing on my sciatic nerve. When I stand up, there is a shooting pain in my pelvis and I have to move slowly to accommodate the pain. My nightly oil massages to push the baby's head upwards sometimes lessens the pain and friends have advised for me to go to a neonatal masseuse to ask her to 'push up' the womb.
Other than that, things are going great. The baby is kicking more vigorously and my baby book says that she is now red and wrinkled and is starting to lay fat under her skin. She responds to bright lights and when I sing, she stops kicking and listens to my voice. She also loves to curl up which means sometimes my belly would appear lopsided cos she's curled into a ball at one end of the womb- which is also very painful by the way.
The linea nigra (dark line between the belly button and the pelvis) has shown up and my baby book says this is the time when stretch marks start to appear (eeekkk!!!!) so I've fanatically rubbed my belly with all manner of lotions and oils to make it more elastic.
Still no cravings (thank god), but love all things sweet- chocolates, ice cream and the like. Gestational diabetes appears at this stage too, so I have to watch my diet. Eating a lot more too, always hungry- I don't think I'll be fasting this Ramadhan which is in 3 weeks time.
I've started on Anmum milk since now is the stage where EPA and DHA is needed to form the baby's brain.
Oh, and the 3D scan last week showed a chubby 900g bub with daddy's facial profile. Even my mom says so. At some point, I'll put up her 3D picture online and you can decide for yourself. Ok, here I am in the office... its 5pm and I'm positively starving!!! Off I go for a snack of fruits...ciao!
Small niggles starting to get to me.
1) My MVP (mitral valve prolapse- where chambers of my heart don't close properly allowing leakage of deoxygenated blood backwards into the oxygenated chamber) is getting worse as the gynae predicted. I'm often breathless, particularly at night, when I'm lying down horizontal. Nothing can be done really so I just have to put up with it. Hafidz gives me slow back massages to relax me but it doesn't really help. Lying on my left makes breathing easier but baby hates it and will start kicking me vigorously asking me to move.
2) Pelvic pressure sometimes causing an unnoticeable limp in my walk because the baby's head is pressing on my sciatic nerve. When I stand up, there is a shooting pain in my pelvis and I have to move slowly to accommodate the pain. My nightly oil massages to push the baby's head upwards sometimes lessens the pain and friends have advised for me to go to a neonatal masseuse to ask her to 'push up' the womb.
Other than that, things are going great. The baby is kicking more vigorously and my baby book says that she is now red and wrinkled and is starting to lay fat under her skin. She responds to bright lights and when I sing, she stops kicking and listens to my voice. She also loves to curl up which means sometimes my belly would appear lopsided cos she's curled into a ball at one end of the womb- which is also very painful by the way.
The linea nigra (dark line between the belly button and the pelvis) has shown up and my baby book says this is the time when stretch marks start to appear (eeekkk!!!!) so I've fanatically rubbed my belly with all manner of lotions and oils to make it more elastic.
Still no cravings (thank god), but love all things sweet- chocolates, ice cream and the like. Gestational diabetes appears at this stage too, so I have to watch my diet. Eating a lot more too, always hungry- I don't think I'll be fasting this Ramadhan which is in 3 weeks time.
I've started on Anmum milk since now is the stage where EPA and DHA is needed to form the baby's brain.
Oh, and the 3D scan last week showed a chubby 900g bub with daddy's facial profile. Even my mom says so. At some point, I'll put up her 3D picture online and you can decide for yourself. Ok, here I am in the office... its 5pm and I'm positively starving!!! Off I go for a snack of fruits...ciao!
Monday, August 14, 2006
Tioman Island, Malaysia
Friday, August 11, 2006
We're Pregnant!?!
I'm 25 week pregnant by now, which means I'm in the middle of 2nd trimester- the 'honeymoon' period as my gynaecologist calls it. Let's see how this journey started:

11 Sep 05
We tie the knot after 9 years 2 months of courtship and a friendship that spans 20 years.
22 Feb 06
My husband, Hafidz, comes back from filming in Ipoh, Malaysia after a week away. It's so great to see him!
9-17 Mar 06
Sick as a puppy. 4 days went by in a blur- doctor says its a virus. I've just came back from Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh for the filming of our BBC documentary 'Vietnam Psychics' where bird flu is prevalent and doctors want my blood sample to ascertain that its not anything serious. I insist on a pregnancy test- it came back negative. Was expecting that anyway since I have PCO (polycystic ovarian syndrome) and my gynaecologist has suggested a fertility treatment to get pregnant.
24 Mar 06
2 weeks and still flu-ish. Blood test reveals nothing. I insist on another urine test even though the doctor says that my symptoms do not point to pregnancy. This time, its 2 red lines. POSITIVE! Hafidz was waiting for me at the clinic, I go over to him, kiss him on the lips and whisper "Congratulations, you're going to be a father". He opened his mouth but nothing came out. If a picture was worth a million words, he didn't really need to say anything.
28 Mar 06 - 5.5 weeks
At the gynae's! She says its 5 and half weeks old. We're ecstatic when the scanning began and there was heartbeat! It's just a shapeless lump really. The gynae pointed to a sac and a yolk, making me feel like a mother hen. She says that PCO patients usually conceive unexpectedly and that mine was probably a mild case of PCO anyway.
Its a secret between Hafidz and I still. We give each other secret looks and giggles all the time asking each other "how did this happen so quickly?!" but feeling very very happy indeed.
We gave up our car last week, thinking we'd save up for our house, but now there's an unplanned gift coming and the nausea makes me wish we still had the car. Standing for too long will make me feel sickly, worse when I have to get on the train to ferry to and from work. My taxi bill this month hits the roof.
17 Apr 06 - 8.5 weeks
Another visit to the gynae's! It's grown to a good 5cm now and the heartbeat sounded like a horse's pounding away. It also keep bumping its arm on its head- maybe due to the noise we were making.
We call it 'Astronaut' for now, due to its big head and small body. Nuchal fold reveals normal development, gynae says no threat of Down's Syndrome. I'm always lethargic and the nausea has really kicked in. I can't go hungry otherwise I start retching so I've bought muesli bars and kept them handy in my bag. I have to sit every so often and munch on something to keep the nausea at bay. For the first time ever, I felt so tired after getting dressed to go to work in the morning that I curled up in bed and went back to sleep. Gynae expects this to last til around Week 14 before I start to feel normal again. That's another 6 weeks of feeling flu-ey!!!
I've told some close friends. Sapna & Anil came to meet us with roses and a pair of diamond and pearl earrings for me. I've made them godparents too.
30 May 06 - 14.5 weeks
Astronaut is now 9cm and already moving. But we can only see it on the monitor during a scan, I can't feel anything. I can only stomach fast food so its been Mac's or BK or KFC for me for lunch everyday. Gynae has given a go-ahead for our Tioman Island trip next week. I need the short break to laze around.
2-8 Jun 06 - 15.5 weeks
Caught a glimpse of a Pontianak in Tioman but nothing scary. Other than that it was like being in Paradise! I totally enjoyed myself there, wading in the ocean and snorkelling amongst the marine fishes. Its been a long time since I went on a proper holiday, lately I only travel for work. My bump is starting to show- my tankini has gone a tad tight and some bottoms are impossible to squeeze into. Also, the nausea has tapered off but I hate the smell of fish, especially grilled mackerel. Almost killed me when the chalet people grilled some mackerel for us to feast on. I kept wanting to retch all the way through dinner which wasn't polite at all.
21 Jun 06 - 17.5 weeks
Went to gynae alone- so sad. Hafidz had work commitments he couldn't get out off but I can't expect him to accompany me on every trip. Ah well, might as well get used to it. Astronaut is 11cm already and sleeping during the scan. Gynae has a strong feeling that its a baby girl but told me to wait for 20th week scan for a confirmation. Had to do a blood test to determine any abnormalities like Down Syndrome etc. I'm also starting to feel normal again. YEAY! No more nausea or retching!!!
17 Jul 06 - 21 weeks
Had my compulsory detailed 20th week scan at Thomson Medical Hospital. Alone. I was nervous ALL morning, hoping and praying that everything will turn out ok. After 2 hours of detailed scanning, the sonographer told me that everything looks fine and that Astronaut is growing according to plan. All the major organs are developing well and all the physical developments are perfect. Does it mean I can go shop for baby stuff now?
And yes, a little princess it is for us!! I texted Hafidz and he texted me back saying 'Let's name our little princess ARISSA ABDUL HAFIDZ". I like the sound of it. My best friend, Fidza, who lives in KL was the one who suggested it last week.

11 Sep 05
We tie the knot after 9 years 2 months of courtship and a friendship that spans 20 years.
22 Feb 06
My husband, Hafidz, comes back from filming in Ipoh, Malaysia after a week away. It's so great to see him!
9-17 Mar 06
Sick as a puppy. 4 days went by in a blur- doctor says its a virus. I've just came back from Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh for the filming of our BBC documentary 'Vietnam Psychics' where bird flu is prevalent and doctors want my blood sample to ascertain that its not anything serious. I insist on a pregnancy test- it came back negative. Was expecting that anyway since I have PCO (polycystic ovarian syndrome) and my gynaecologist has suggested a fertility treatment to get pregnant.
24 Mar 06
2 weeks and still flu-ish. Blood test reveals nothing. I insist on another urine test even though the doctor says that my symptoms do not point to pregnancy. This time, its 2 red lines. POSITIVE! Hafidz was waiting for me at the clinic, I go over to him, kiss him on the lips and whisper "Congratulations, you're going to be a father". He opened his mouth but nothing came out. If a picture was worth a million words, he didn't really need to say anything.
28 Mar 06 - 5.5 weeks
At the gynae's! She says its 5 and half weeks old. We're ecstatic when the scanning began and there was heartbeat! It's just a shapeless lump really. The gynae pointed to a sac and a yolk, making me feel like a mother hen. She says that PCO patients usually conceive unexpectedly and that mine was probably a mild case of PCO anyway.
Its a secret between Hafidz and I still. We give each other secret looks and giggles all the time asking each other "how did this happen so quickly?!" but feeling very very happy indeed.
We gave up our car last week, thinking we'd save up for our house, but now there's an unplanned gift coming and the nausea makes me wish we still had the car. Standing for too long will make me feel sickly, worse when I have to get on the train to ferry to and from work. My taxi bill this month hits the roof.
17 Apr 06 - 8.5 weeks
Another visit to the gynae's! It's grown to a good 5cm now and the heartbeat sounded like a horse's pounding away. It also keep bumping its arm on its head- maybe due to the noise we were making.
We call it 'Astronaut' for now, due to its big head and small body. Nuchal fold reveals normal development, gynae says no threat of Down's Syndrome. I'm always lethargic and the nausea has really kicked in. I can't go hungry otherwise I start retching so I've bought muesli bars and kept them handy in my bag. I have to sit every so often and munch on something to keep the nausea at bay. For the first time ever, I felt so tired after getting dressed to go to work in the morning that I curled up in bed and went back to sleep. Gynae expects this to last til around Week 14 before I start to feel normal again. That's another 6 weeks of feeling flu-ey!!!
I've told some close friends. Sapna & Anil came to meet us with roses and a pair of diamond and pearl earrings for me. I've made them godparents too.
30 May 06 - 14.5 weeks
Astronaut is now 9cm and already moving. But we can only see it on the monitor during a scan, I can't feel anything. I can only stomach fast food so its been Mac's or BK or KFC for me for lunch everyday. Gynae has given a go-ahead for our Tioman Island trip next week. I need the short break to laze around.
2-8 Jun 06 - 15.5 weeks
Caught a glimpse of a Pontianak in Tioman but nothing scary. Other than that it was like being in Paradise! I totally enjoyed myself there, wading in the ocean and snorkelling amongst the marine fishes. Its been a long time since I went on a proper holiday, lately I only travel for work. My bump is starting to show- my tankini has gone a tad tight and some bottoms are impossible to squeeze into. Also, the nausea has tapered off but I hate the smell of fish, especially grilled mackerel. Almost killed me when the chalet people grilled some mackerel for us to feast on. I kept wanting to retch all the way through dinner which wasn't polite at all.
21 Jun 06 - 17.5 weeks
Went to gynae alone- so sad. Hafidz had work commitments he couldn't get out off but I can't expect him to accompany me on every trip. Ah well, might as well get used to it. Astronaut is 11cm already and sleeping during the scan. Gynae has a strong feeling that its a baby girl but told me to wait for 20th week scan for a confirmation. Had to do a blood test to determine any abnormalities like Down Syndrome etc. I'm also starting to feel normal again. YEAY! No more nausea or retching!!!
17 Jul 06 - 21 weeks
Had my compulsory detailed 20th week scan at Thomson Medical Hospital. Alone. I was nervous ALL morning, hoping and praying that everything will turn out ok. After 2 hours of detailed scanning, the sonographer told me that everything looks fine and that Astronaut is growing according to plan. All the major organs are developing well and all the physical developments are perfect. Does it mean I can go shop for baby stuff now?
And yes, a little princess it is for us!! I texted Hafidz and he texted me back saying 'Let's name our little princess ARISSA ABDUL HAFIDZ". I like the sound of it. My best friend, Fidza, who lives in KL was the one who suggested it last week.
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