My cousin from KL, Norish, an experienced mum w 2 little princes, sent me a list of massages/ treatments I can do myself, in the comfort of my own home, to ease the various displeasures of pregnancy. I quote her fully here:
for your aching feet, every day after work, soak both feet in hot hot water first, and I mean reaallllyy hot ones. soak it until you can't tahan the heat anymore, but you should be able to feel the ache or tension easing off, than quickly dip in ice bath (bowl or baldi filled with ice and water). best gilaaaa... lepas tu wrap your feet with towels. masa tengah lembap2 tu (when its damp) rub lavender oil or olive oil from BodyShop, then wrap again and put up on two pillows, slightly higher than your head.. aaaahhhhhhh.. memang best.. try it.
as for sleeping at night. put one pillow under the belly whenever you turn left or right. and baby Arissa (nice name) will be sort of cushioned and she will stop moving or kicking.
one more thing to try, heat up a few round flat stones, big ones (you know the black shiny stones used for creative paving or pot filling tu ?) yup that one, take some, wrap in towel and heat in microwave. ask hafiz to do this. You, of course, must be lying ready in bed, on your side. ask hafiz to rub the stones on your back, especially along the spine. or put in on your tapak kaki. heavenly..!!!!
I'm trying them tonight! Thanks akak!