We women are renowned for our temperament especially during 'that time of the month'. But pregnancy brings out the beast in me sometimes. It doesn't happen very often- I've had screaming episodes maybe 4 times so far. It always starts the same way- wake up feeling F-U, I start feeling trapped in my own pregnant body, depression and dissatisfaction sets in and I feel the need to vent my frustration on someone (ie my husband is the most convenient, of course).
The smallest thing that offends me will set me whining, then bitching, then finger-pointing and, when Hafidz is in the mood not to take shit from me, it will evolve into our infamous fights. Then I will refuse to talk and start weeping, and he will eventually apologise (give him an hour or two) and profess his eternal love. His apologies aren't theme-specific though and goes along the lines of "I'm sorry for what happened" although I know he is totally clueless as to how a molehill became a Himalaya of a mountain.
Unfortunately, I cannot find a good enough explanation or solution for this, ladies.. Many books blame it on a whole host of hormones- prolactin, relaxin, HPL, oestrogen, progesterone, prostaglandin and mysterious workings of my glands. The bottom line is that YOU need to keep the beast in chains.
Try a couple of things that will work for you. I found that my solutions, in descending order of effectiveness, include:
Meet/call a close girlfriend
..but don't whine, talk about something that'll cheer you up. Gossip is always an outlet. And with girlfriends, you know you don't have the advantage of turning them into punching bags.
Watch a really sad sad dvd alone and weep your eyes out
Basically the rationale is to get the frustration out of your system and we women do it best by crying our eyeballs out.
Prayers settle me down some and gives me a sense of peace. It also keeps my mind occupied with 'holy' things, the antithesis of anger.
Avoid your husband!
Tell him to take a hike cos you're in a bad mood and you'd appreciate if he stays out of your face because you're not responsible for your actions. Get involved in an activity that precludes men in general- bake a cake, reorganise your wardrobe, sift through old stuff to donate to charity.
Shutting Up!
Just refuse to talk when the depression sets in. I'll be sulky for half a day but I save my husband from the grief of tangling with my erratic hormones.
PS: Some old wives tale says that if you HATE the sight of your other half during your pregnancy, the baby will look just like him!? Ask around, many people I've spoken to have confirmed this theory.