Had the worst case of water retention last week when Hafidz & I went furniture hunting. My feet swelled up so badly, it felt like pins and needles whilst walking [see pic below]. Fortunately for me, it was just the feet and easily solved by propping them up on a very firm pillow throughout the night. Also had to cut down on my 100Plus, which I had been taking to avoid the foot cramps but which resulted in my water retention [hey whaddya know.. sodium is a kinda salt after all!]

This morning, Arissa started wiggling and everytime she did that, I felt a sudden urge to pee. My cousin, Lin, says its probably her hair tickling me, heee... I hope she's not a bald baby (quite unlikely if she has daddy's hair genes cos Hafidz is way too hairy for a Chinese boy).
She also doesnt move as much as she used too. My baby book says its cos they run out of room at this stage and they roll more than kick about.
I'm trying to join a Yoga class (yes, a bit too late but better late than never) to make my body more pliable for the birth process. My colleague Sharon, a mom to a 1 year old boy, recommends Yoga exercises over Lamaz breathing technique classes as the midwife or doula can assist your breathing in the delivery ward anyway. I'm trying to convince Sapna to buddy up with me, she can pretend she's 10 weeks preggers and no one would be the wiser- muahahaha (no offence intended Godma). Here are a couple of Yoga places offering neonatal Yoga for a reasonable price:
Check out this website:
The most reasonable one it seems is at "Birth & Beyond" at Tanglin Shopping Centre, 4th Level. Call Ellen @ 67361636 and she will patiently explain the classes available there. The one I was interested in was:
1 Trial session : $32 per mum
4 sessions : $120 per mum
6 sessions : $160 per mum
10 sessions : $240 per mum
Mon, 6.45pm ~ Tue, 9.45am ~ Fri, 10am ~ Sat, 10.30am
If you prefer a private session away from ogling eyes, the Svastha Yoga Studio is for you. Debra can be contacted at 96813403. She will arrange for you to come in for a rather pricey $100 per hour session [usually on a Sunday at 10am] and teach you all the basics so you can practice at home.
Most private hospitals offer neonatal exercise classes, packaged at 12 sessions starting from when you reach 20 weeks. Since I'm barely left with 6 weeks to EDD, this isn't an option for me.
She also doesnt move as much as she used too. My baby book says its cos they run out of room at this stage and they roll more than kick about.
I'm trying to join a Yoga class (yes, a bit too late but better late than never) to make my body more pliable for the birth process. My colleague Sharon, a mom to a 1 year old boy, recommends Yoga exercises over Lamaz breathing technique classes as the midwife or doula can assist your breathing in the delivery ward anyway. I'm trying to convince Sapna to buddy up with me, she can pretend she's 10 weeks preggers and no one would be the wiser- muahahaha (no offence intended Godma). Here are a couple of Yoga places offering neonatal Yoga for a reasonable price:
Check out this website:
The most reasonable one it seems is at "Birth & Beyond" at Tanglin Shopping Centre, 4th Level. Call Ellen @ 67361636 and she will patiently explain the classes available there. The one I was interested in was:
1 Trial session : $32 per mum
4 sessions : $120 per mum
6 sessions : $160 per mum
10 sessions : $240 per mum
Mon, 6.45pm ~ Tue, 9.45am ~ Fri, 10am ~ Sat, 10.30am
If you prefer a private session away from ogling eyes, the Svastha Yoga Studio is for you. Debra can be contacted at 96813403. She will arrange for you to come in for a rather pricey $100 per hour session [usually on a Sunday at 10am] and teach you all the basics so you can practice at home.
Most private hospitals offer neonatal exercise classes, packaged at 12 sessions starting from when you reach 20 weeks. Since I'm barely left with 6 weeks to EDD, this isn't an option for me.