Friday, October 12, 2012

The Waiting Game. Again.

In the words of the great Sebastian Vettel who incidentally won the recent Singapore F1 race:

I put everything in that last lap, 
it was very emotional when I crossed the line. 
It was all I had, I gave it all.

The last lap is always the hardest, for so many reasons- because you're out of motivation, because you're physically exhausted, because you're fighting with elements beyond your control. It takes a huge effort to stay focused, stay sane and stay calm.

In many ways, its the same with every pregnancy. Its the last month that wears you out and wears you down. When people around you seem to think you're capable of handling the same things you're handling because well.. you've always been able to do it; when you get easily frustrated by how immobile, sleep-deprived and physically beaten you feel most days; when the body doesn't easily respond to what you will it to do- much like an F1 car with bald tyres, it takes a lot of effort to stay on course.

So my last lap goes on- I was happy for it to end today with the 37th week routine checkup- but Dr Ang says we need to wait until next Friday to pop even though bub's a healthy 2.9kg today (compared to his sisters who were both 2.7kg at birth). Just to make sure the baby lungs are matured enough to not cause any problems. I got a Decordex jab to speed up the maturing process of his lungs within the next 24hours just in case he decides to make an appearance before next Friday. Its a $20 jab that could save us $2k in incubation fee.

And so we wait. Again.