Monday, October 01, 2012

Larger than Life

Its that time during a pregnancy when you just can't wait to pop and be done with the 3rd trimester niggles- the heartburn, the lowered appetite, the swollen feet, the reduced mobility, the breathlessness, the heaviness... the list goes on.

Here I am: 35weeks and 3 days into this pregnancy. I have to hold it in for at least another 5 days just to be safe, says the gynae, and then I am basically safe to deliver at any point. The jabs and kicks are much stronger and more pronounced, the braxton hicks contractions are occasionally painful and he's definitely down the passage, any stretches and I feel like I'm going to pee in my pants!!

Sadly, the helper hasn't arrived, not at least until end November, so the plan is we all pack up and move to my Mum's house until she gets here. Its going to be challenge spatially, because there will soon be 5 of us but I've no other choice, really...

I've started working from home too in the meantime, thank God for flexible bosses.

So these are the last few Open Houses I attended during the Eid month, thank you everyone for feeding me endlessly. The gynae has now advised that I go on a 'diet' as he is 'bigger than average'- what irony!

Can't wait for him to join this clan of happy munsters!
