Jonathan, an ex-colleague rang me the other day to say hi and we got to talking about our kids (what else). His little bub, Josh Blu, turned 1 on Xmas and his wife, Gloria, is expecting again. "It was a case of Oops, we did it again", he laughingly added.
This was great news to me! Joshy was conceived right after I announced my pregnancy to the office. It was great being able to share my pregnancy blues with an office partner whose wife was also going through the same deal. We shared bibs and bobs of useful (and useless) pregnancy information. And now, they're on to No 2...
I've always felt guilty about admitting this but Jon came right out and took the words from my mouth. "I don't look forward to my weekends anymore," he starts saying. "I love Josh but I get so fu*&in exhausted by Sunday afternoon that I actually feel glad I'm off to work the next day. Its awful isn't it?" I almost died laughing in agreement, I always thought I was alone in my selfishness. To a large extent, I feel a lot more relaxed at work than at home taking care of a tot.
I took leave yesterday because I wanted to spend more time with my 'lil pumpkin who was having viral fever and by 7pm I was begging Hafidz to take me to the kopitiam. Or somewhere in the middle of Timbuktu.
"Dear, I don't think I can ever be a housewife lar..." I 'fessed up. He looked at Arissa who was busy flinging all her blocks and plastic farm animals from the sofa to the floor and shrieking at the same time and smiled wisely...