When I bought Arissa her first 'proper' book with paragraphs of words and pages full of colour pictures, I wasn't prepared for her obsession with it. Up til this point, all she ever does to the little popup/baby books I've bought for her were to chew it up like a little hamster.
But now...she is loving her Winnie The Pooh Thinking Spot series. She is constantly flipping through it, pointing at Winnie or Tigger or Roo and giggling to herself.
I bought 2 books from Popular bookstore titled 'Why Does It Have to Rain' and 'How Do You Hop So High'. Each story incorporates simple scientific facts while examining how young children learn through listening, questioning, observing, comparing, and experimenting. And every story ends with a hands-on activity but she's too young for that.
I started reading her the books last week, usually after her bedtime milk whilst she's unwinding in bed, and now she brings it to me every night. The best thing is that she lies still and listens to every word I read aloud, and then falls asleep without any fuss when I'm through reading and turn off the lights! Like Disney Magic!
When I'm not too tired, I'll do the whole Brit english accent (actually I should be doing American cos it is Disney cartoons. pah.) but when I'm totally shacked and have taken off my glasses I will translate to her in 'chapalang' Malay cos we want her bilingual?!? *heh*
Must say I really enjoy our quiet bedtime together, and I only dream about the colourful Hundred-Acre Wood these days. :)