Saturday, February 02, 2013

more checklists.. seriously??

GAH!!!! 21 days to the end of SAHM-hood. Where did 4.5 months go? Apart from giving birth successfully and fully recovering from the ordeal physically, I have achieved nothing NOTHING of the ambitious list I had set out for myself to complete at the beginning of my maternity leave.

One of them being- take a part time Mandarin conversation class at the nearby Galaxy Community Centre.

The second being- sew a day curtain and a Baby Bjorn cover. I even viewed the tutorial online and am sure I can get both done without a hitch. I even told Mum I would pop by to borrow her sewing machine.

Thirdly- get rid of the eyebags. Ok this one is laughable. Not with a newborn. Neveeeer with a newborn.

And so here I sit staring at the calendar thinking "waddefugggg", and I'm sure Aidan is feeling the same sentiment. He's been put through a baptism of fire since early January, wailing and screaming unrelentingly. But I have to turn a deaf ear between 9am and 4pm this week as I let the new Helper handle him. Up to this point he is coping pretty well, once he's had a full bottle of either BM or formula, he just wants to sleep. We try giving him the pacifier from time to time, but he takes it rather randomly and can fall asleep by just being carried around the house.

my kampung boy more comfy in batik lepas than Baby Bjorn

 And just as quickly as time flies, Aidan is moving from a newborn to a baby. He responds to people by smiling and gurgling and jumping up and down my lap. I can tell this one will be as chatty as Arissa, he practically screams when no one pays attention to him during those times when he has the urge for conversations.

 Love this pic of Aidan and cousin Arish. What a stark difference 2 months makes!

The nights are getting easier too- he sleeps around 10pm and is up at 3am and 6am for feeds and diaper change. Its so easy because I got lazy.. I simply stick a boob in his mouth and go back to sleep. He doesn't get burped from night time feeds and it doesn't bother him either, thankfully.

I'm moving him on to Frisocream next, he has shown such a passionate interest in eating. Other people eating, that is. Sometimes he salivates from watching us eat- haha! Some people say that a child's appetite increases post-circumcision, not sure how true, but surely not?? My mother-in-law has a bag of wives tales to scare any new Mum, even this 3rd time one:

- too much crying causes fits
- eating solids from a spoon before 6 months causes liver problems
- if the pupil of the eye is large, he/she is stubborn
- pinching baby's cheeks will cause him to lose appetite

..but do we really need to deal with another checklist at this point? The thought of going back to work has me hyperventilating already! Where's my pen and paper, I need a checklist for 1st day at work must-haves:

1) photo of the kids
2) video of Aidan for pumping (facilitates a letdown)
3) breastpump
4) ice pack
5) files I took home from the office that hasn't seen the light of day since September '12
