So anyway, where did I leave off? The P1 registration drama, but of course. Anyhow, I went with my initial gut instinct and now it is decided my firstborn will go to a neighbourhood school called Greenwood Primary School where P6 pass grade is "above average" and there is Mendaki tuition in school on weekends. Its a bit more comforting to put her in an environment I'm familiar with, to be honest. And the moment I walked into the school on registration day, I'm greeted by an assuring banner that says "You have made the right choice. Thank you for entrusting your child with us at Greenwood Primary School".. if there ever was a sign from God to allay my fears, then that would be it. If not from God, then at least the School Principal, whatever.. my doubts are laid to rest for the moment.
Moving the family logistics to Woodlands once again. I've put in the internal transfer form for Sofia to be moved to a My First Skool near home. We will next engage a Helper, hopefully someone just as good and low maintenance as my last one. I put a call to my previous agent and was left feeling totally ripped off. Higher agency fee, higher salary, less work days (if contract starts 2013) but absolutely NO GUARANTEE of a more efficient or more proactive Helper because, hey, that depends on my luck. What ghetto justice is this?! Last I checked, my luck is free.
So anyway because we need one desperately.. we will start looking at biodatas after Eid. Something I'm not very excited about.
In the meantime, I'm 'happily' putting the two girls through bottle weaning and teeth (not tooth!) extraction (Arissa) as well as toilet training (Sofia). I shamelessly dangled a $2 bribe per tooth that Arissa pulls out on her own and she has given me 2 teeth so far, saving up money to buy herself more 'Little Pet Shop' toys. As long as the craze is there, I will continue to milk it! ;p
My brave little 'Toothless'
Also in the works was getting their room ready, that's Daddy's gargantuan task and getting them accustomed to sleeping in it, which is my endless job it seems! A month and a half later, I'm still sleeping on a mattress in their room, foregoing my resplendant new King bed- a true mark of a Mother's sacrifise might I add!
And this last piece of news is the best..
I am now 7 month pregnant with a baby boy. :)
Alhamdulillah. Amin. Now can close shop without feeling guilty.