Saturday, September 24, 2011

Its a wonderful wonderful world!

There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child. There are seven million.
~Walt Streightiff

..and the colourful, plastic, crazy-looking puss art installations in Sentosa is one of them. Who says little children are hard to please..

Friday, September 16, 2011

Goodnight, not Goodbye..

See you tomorrow! and day after! and day after that!

Well, we do love hanging out with each other!

Monday, September 12, 2011


Amidst the craziness of Eid, we organised an Open House *only* for my MIL's sibs last weekend. It was a last minute decision, but the Ariffin family is never averse to family gatherings however last minute it was organised.. after all, we take the cake for the number of hours spent at a Changi coffeeshop!

At one point, it got so crowded we ran out of floor space (hang on, I've said this before!)..

Sofia shows her reclusive tendencies, staying away from the crowded living room and hiding in our the littler kiddies kept her company. This must be what its like in the Brangelina bedroom every night!

And when everyone's left with heavy hearts and even heavier bellies, and the house gets spicked and spanned in record time, its time for these 2 chipmunks to loll around before bedtime with a spot of Dora.

Til we meet again soon! Which, really... is the Open House Marathon starting this Thursday through Sunday. Did I ever mention the Ariffin family's love for get-togethers...? ;)

PS: Congratulations to Sarimah & Shahril for the newest addition to our LARGE family- Md Shahrique- born today at 1pm after 7 hours labour.

Monday, September 05, 2011

Salam Lebaran

Tanpa ku sedari airmata ku mengalir
Terdengar ayat suci seruan takbir
Betapa daku gembira dekat di samping keluarga
Di pagi mulia hari raya

Salam Aidulfitri dari kami sekeluarga, mohon maaf dipinta.