Friday, July 29, 2011

Song and Dance

To be frank, I'm the kind of parent who can be overly cautious, even resistant, to new technology. For example, I am against the idea of putting a DVD player in the car, I don't like Arissa meddling with the hubby's iPhone for games and, to date, we don't yet own an iPad because I know it will be the kids' new toy.

Its not so much the idea of new technology, its the idea that it takes them away from me for long periods of time as they become oblivious to everything around them. Cable TV is bad enough to deal with.

But at my parents, they've been (secretly) exposed to as an alternative babysitter. Gaaaaah! But knowing my Mum however, only the 'educational' videos are allowed (this includes the occasional slip up which are Mr Bean videos) and I must say, it can be quite entertaining and well.. erm, highly educational. Heh.

Except! they are now addicted to these cute clips and demand that I turn on the laptop every night before bed for a little song and dance..

I especially love the fact that Sofia knows her Arabic characters and most phonic sounds. Sigh, can't win all the time can I?