Looking forward to a blissful, maid-free holiday in June.
I insisted on 'No helper tag-along' despite the appeals and insistence made by certain quarters. If 'someone' chipped in with caring for the kiddies, then it won't be stressful now would it? But if certain people just wanted to palm off my little one to the Helper then that would only show how 'caring' they are.
My objective is sweet and simple- to spend as much time as possible with the kids. Grandly enough, its a typical Ariffin family holiday with 34 adults and 16 children so I'm sure Arissa can find her way amongst cousins. Which leaves me time to be with Sofia as much as I wish- for her meals, for her naps, for her bath time. Its bonding time and I don't want the Helper hovering over me.
Its also a test, because I'm deluded like that.. With all the convenience of a domestic helper, I wanted to assure myself that I'm still a good mother who can hold her own.
And I will, no matter how discouraging the husband is. Pah, now's the time to say "I'm stopping at 2".