The signature dish is the Hafnaz Burger but try also the Crabmeat Pasta if you like em spicy or the Pan fried Dory with blueberry sauce and blue cheese or the succulent Tenderloin or Lamb Rack. Maybe something light on the belly like Pan fried Hokkaido Scallops instead? Now how about that 1st-in-the-halal-market snail sausage in our Bangers & Mash or perhaps the chicken bratwurst sausage in our Chilli Cheesedog.
Bring your Chinese friends, your Malay friends, your Indian friends and prove LKY wrong- we are One people, One nation, One Singapore who eat together. Lots of parking space and ample al-fresco seating.
Chefs previously from Menotti Italian Restaurant and KM8 Beach Bar. Combine the two and you get chillax cuisine, complimented by the awesome A&A teh tarik as always.
Quotable Quote from a Customer: "eh you all, cannot la. This kinda food belongs to a fine dining restaurant leh."
PS: Remember to be our friend on FB too ya!