But how can we pass up the opportunity to throw her a big, fun, Dora-themed, pool party when that's ALL she's been asking for since June. Which is what we did, at the expense of our bank account and ache-free bodies.
The weather held out long enough for the kids to muck around in the pool for 2 hours then it started pissing down and we had to force them out, get them changed and into the function room for dinner and games (thank you SSC for equipping me with the foresight to think of a Wet Weather Plan). As Dora would say, "Excelente!" :)
Must say, it was really fun for me too- being an equivalent of Director of Content for Programming, Acquisitions and Production is a fantastic role (pardon the Media lingo, I am on a job prowl after all)! So many useful websites that made party-planning a breeze, I'm inclined to take this up part-time!
I love one website's suggestion to transform the birthday table into a Candy Bar of sorts with candies, lollis, chocolates and biscuits. It was the focal point for kids and adults alike who came over to exclaim over and pinch into the assortment of sweet things.

And the wonderful Dora cake and cutesy party favors became conversational topics!

The 20 odd kids were kept busy with games and prizes by the wonderful games host, Rhaudhah.. *what would I do without her!! I never did have my Mum's authoritative 'cikgu' streak*

Happy birthday Hana Arissa from Daddy, Mummy and Adik 'Tofea', we love you to bits..

you're so big now that you even have secret handshakes with Aunty Shabanah *shakes head*

Happy birthday too, to the other November chicas, we also love you all to bits..

And we hope everyone enjoyed themselves even though it was the last day of a long Diwali weekend and everyone had to work the following day. More pictures can be found on FB so find me there!
Next birthday >> Sara Sofia's 2 *checks bank balance*

**do not adjust your monitor, Sofia's face really was streaked with chocolates.
Credit Roll:
Dora paraphernalia from Spotlight @ Plaza Singapura
Favors from: http://julyfavors.multiply.com/ or julyfavors@ymail.com
Cake from: saycheeseandpudding@gmail.com / Rafiedah 94996399
Event Photography & pictures courtesy of http://bumblebeezack.wordpress.com/ / Zachary