The truth is- we had plenty of opportunities- but the ‘official photographer’ would much rather eat and be merry. Sometimes he doesn’t even bother to check the camera has fresh batteries so when the opportune moment comes along, we find ourselves faced with “Change new batteries” sign emblazoned across the 3” LCD monitor to my annoyance. *pulls out hair*
To top that off, Sofia began walking a few weeks before Eid and has been dubbed The Happy Wanderer- you usually find her in odd places i.e behind the curtain, under the table, inside someone's room, in the kitchen... we gave up trying to sit her still long enough for one snapshot, although you can't blame the MIL for trying:
Thank goodness for Facebook and the cousins who dutifully tag me/Hafidz! We lup you!

And the best part of Hari Raya? Counting alms that come in fancy green packets :D
Yippeee yeay! Next stop, to the bank.