Sapna & Gauri did well in selecting the location of Kanchan's Chickee Nite. I lurrrve the idea of a yacht party- its private, its convenient and we can get the bride-to-be as drunk as a skunk without the scrutiny of the outside world. Which is exactly what happened *lol*.

We even got her to do a 'strip' show ala Demi Moore in Indecent Proposal. Very apt I tell ya what with her getting married and all but, sadly, I am sworn to NEVER disclose the photographic evidence. All I can say is, she was forced to change into this sexy sailor outfit courtesy of Big Sis Sapna, the Deputy Porn Queen:

Here're the only Decent pictures I'm 'allowed' to release of the Hens Nite Party:

Now the wedding is something else! Like true Kanchan style, she refuses to be lumped with the other pleibeians and she dances to her own rhythm- it was a small affair held at The Hangout @ Emily Hill and the stunning Bride arrived decked in celebratory hues of red and gold, looking oh-so-demure!
Another beautiful location- rustic in the day and exotic by night, the weather held out and we had a ball of a time, plus the catered Moghul Mahal spread was just right for the breezy evening. We were even entertained by a little dance number/skit performed by the Bride and Groom- now WHO do you know would do that on their wedding day?!
Here's a toast to my baby girl & partner in crime. You know we waited so long for this wedding and held our breath through that roller-coaster long-distance/short-distance/on-again/off-again relationship but YOU GUYS MADE IT!!! *wooooooooot*
*Now I await the official photographs. Watch this space for updates!