Let's see now...where do I start?
How about having to watch Sofia go through 2 hospital stays because Arissa kept passing viruses to her- first a cough that resulted in bronchilitis, then a week later a viral fever that peaked at 39.7deg.

I broke down many times at the hospital seeing such a tiny person being suctioned, loaded with drugs and pricked with needles. If not for the support of family and friends, I would have plunged into PND unavoidably.
The decision to pull the plug on daycare was made during the 2nd hospital stay, based on Sofia's paediatrician's recommendation. It hurt at first until I found out there are 34 other kids in her Playgroup and then I was just M-A-D; no bloody wonder she kept getting sick. It was a tougher decision because I had moved back home and now had to juggle 2 kids on my own with no help.
I waged a war against Oren, our beloved tabby. He just had to go, again I was acting on paediatrician's advise that his dander and fur can cause asthma development in an infant. Many a fights ensued with Hafidz about Oren's future but he's now safely placed with an aunt who herself has 6 other cats living in her terrace so I'm sure he'll be happy to have buddies (both Hafidz and Oren).
Then a few other phonecalls were made to a relative working in a maid agency and before I knew it, we've signed away another few grand to acquire more headache with dealing with a FDW. But help I do need especially now that Arissa is home 24/7 with me and I'm damned near losing my mind. I've resorted to many tricks that puts many parents to shame. To get her to behave I've allowed her to
a) watch Playhouse Disney the whole day
b) eat M&Ms for breakfast
c) threatened to give all her toys to the neighbours
d) spanked her countlessly
e) stuck her in the store room for all of 2 seconds
Hafidz says e) counts as child abuse- does it?!