I've run out ideas on what to do to fill up Arissa's hours at home and I clench my teeth each time I turn around and see her glued to the telly. Hell, I even feed her in front of the telly just because she eats without protesting much when her attention is fixed on Dibo or Mickey or whatever's on. And that, ladies and gentlemen, makes my life e/a/s/i/e/r so I let her be. Sue me.
On top of having to cook family meals, I also juggle..
wiping surfaces with Dettol
showering both kids
folding laundry
keeping clothes in closet
serving food
washing dishes
...need I bore you with more?
On the occasions when I actually have some time to attend to Arissa one-on-one, out comes the marker pens and crayons..
Yes this is how she colours... in spots..
..and a little bit of drawing (me) and copying (her). She's only perfected her circles and lines, anything squarish or trianglish stumps her still.
And the perfect subject is still her fight club buddy- Rifqi, looking a little rough around the edges but oh-so-exhilarating to Mummy who NEVER knew she had the artistic hand (ok, not my gene!).
Next comes alphabet time.. though she still lines them up like a train.
The thing Mummy garnered from this exercise is the realisation that Arissa recognises her alphabets. Yea, yea.. so not the As from the Cs from the Ss (only X and B so far)... but she actually actually knows which way is up for each letter (except W and f and the divide sign). Haha!!
Not bad for a Playgroup dropout!
Oh and on top of the 1002 chores I need to attend to, No1 on my list is mediating between a bully and her 2 month old 'victim'.