I'm now on a fortnightly visit to the gynae... the home stretch. Just the thought of labour gives me the chills, maybe because I know how horrid the pain is but what goes in must come out.... right? ;p
Its been great sharing this pregnancy with so many other co-workers-
Jacintha, my accounts assistant;
Emeria, BBC client;
Beng Seng, my studio technician;
Johno, my Director. From time to time, we conduct an impromptu 'pregnancy conference' (as Elaine calls it) along the hallway to catch up with each other's progress.
I had my last monthly appointment with Lawrence last week, I was all of 53.5kg (the normal non-pregnant weight of someone my height) but the following conversation left me feeling... well, unsettled:
Dr Ang: Looks like you need to control your diet.Me: You mean eat more?Dr Ang: No I mean eat less.Me: !?huh!? I hadn't gained anything..Dr Ang: You see, the baby is already 2.4kg and you're only 33 weeks.. think all that you're eating is going straight to her, which is good for her but I'm afraid you may have trouble pushing later on.Me: *jaw drops* 2.4kg!?!?!? (That was Arissa's weight at 36 weeks)But by virtue of having the thin gene, I have never had to 'control my diet' and I find it impossible NOT to eat when I'm feeling famished. I continued to devour high-sugar, high-carbo, high-protein food at ungodly hours of the night.
(The husband is to be blamed for this! He brings home pratas and fried rice and chocolates to tempt me.)So it looks like this will be my last binge at Straits Kitchen, courtesy of the Godma Sapna. Followed by a little bit of priming and primping at the nail spa next door- what a treat, thank you ladies! Good food, great company... can't ask for more before my 40-day self-imposed 'imprisonment'.