Why didn't I think of moving back to my parents' house earlier? Hafidz is constantly working and I've been lugging bub and belly back and forth to and from Mum's house daily (and alone) that my energy is sapped. I end up tired, cranky and really just pissed off at everything and I think Arissa is getting perplexed by my sudden mood changes.
So on Monday I made the bold move of packing a week's worth of work clothes, kissed the hubby goodbye and said I'd see him over the weekend. He is supportive of the move but looked forlorn at the same time- what?! no babies to kiss when he gets home from work at 1am!? No wife to massage his aching calves?!
My parents are excited to have us, I have valet parking service courtesy of Dad, I have nutritious home-cooked food courtesy of Mum, we're closer to her school, I get up an hour later than usual and I get to spend more quality time with Arissa before her bedtime. The only sad thing is hearing her chatting to her Daddy on the phone every night "I luv bu.." she would remind him and my heart would ache.
But all's cool, I'm happy to be regenerated, Arissa is happy to have a happy Mum, Hafidz is happy to just go home and get a good night's sleep before another chaotic day at work. And besides, I'm no floozy princess.. my avatar would be more appropriately this (pfft):

The Warrior Princess