It rained so much that we had to keep the kids indoors, much to their chagrin and to ours- try controlling 5 overactive children who kept smacking each other in a 10ft by 10ft resort room with the Astro down because of bad weather. Impossible!.. so after a while we let the kids do as they will whilst we all played pakau(I've lost my skill, last time I had it was when I was in NUS playing Chua Tai Ti endlessly with Haz, Theresa and the gang).. I think Arissa learnt some survival skills that weekend having to fight for her right with the bigger cousins.
But when the rain let up, we went out in droves to the Tangkak 'city centre' to romp around before heading back for the kenduri and feasting. Ah... nothing good kampung food and a lavish Hari Raya spread can't cure.
The geletis girl who can't keep still for 1 minute on the 2h drive from Singapore to Tangkak.
The 'must-try' Tangkak chendol
..and the 'must-try' Mee Bandung Muar
The happily-fed faces
Dad's family is in Muar, pretty close by, and Hafidz and I think its high time we brought Arissa there to visit seeing how she enjoyed the fresh air, the roaming insects and big wide fields of Tangkak. Perhaps when the monsoon season has passed, we will take her to the village I visited all too often as a child, chasing chickens around the house and picking fruits fresh from the trees. Too bad Dad's sold his 2ha field, the pleasure of eating fresh durians is indescribable (as indescribable as the stink afterwards) :D