Friday, November 21, 2008

Simply having children does not make mothers

What kind of a beast can beat a small child to the extent that it breaks their little backs or causes their brain to rupture? What kind of a Mother turns her face away and numbs her heart when she hears her child scream with pain and terror? Or worse, inflicts more pain on the little body?

Nia Glassie, 3 years old, died on August 3, 2007, from massive bleeding between her skull and brain, 12 days after being taken to hospital.

* Kicked in the face, causing her nose to bleed;
* Hit, slapped, punched and jumped on;
* Objects such as shoes thrown at her;
* Verbal insults, for example continually being told she was ugly;
* Forced into a television cabinet drawer;
* Dragged through the sandpit half-naked;
* Shoved into piles of rubbish;
* Made to bathe in cold water in mid-winter;
* Folded into a sofa and sat on;
* Flung against the wall;
* Held high in the air and dropped to the floor;
* Used for adult wrestling moves copied from a Playstation game;
* Whirled rapidly on a rotary clothesline until flung off;
* Put into a tumble dryer and spun on high temperature;
* Had her head and feet dangled into the fireplace when the fire was lit;
* Kicked repeatedly in the head because she was crying;
* Left lying in a coma for 36 hours without medical attention.

Baby P, 17 months, died in his cot 3 Aug 2007 after sustaining 50 injuries to his face and body including a broken back.

It's not only children who grow. Parents do too. As much as we watch to see what our children do with their lives, they are watching us to see what we do with ours.

~Joyce Maynard