Monday, August 11, 2008

Happy Birthday Singapore!

...even though I am not patriotic as such! :S

For the 4 of us.. it was an excuse to get together and stuff our faces at Newton. Arissa was so well-behaved (apparent from the greased elbows riiiiiiiight) and totally loving the sunkissed, newlyweds Aunty Nana & Uncle Ogy:

Then the question of WHERE to catch the fireworks because everywhere would be packed. The answer was MY OFFICE ROOFTOP:

with Sidik who had lugged his family there and Apple who was editing on the CNY project (her excuse: I'm Thai so ND doesn't apply to me na ka)

The fireworks were so-so, the credit crunch and inflation a sign of the times to come... *heh*

Oh well, nothing beats the mother of all fireworks at the Opening Ceremony of the Beijing Olympics, wish I was there (but lucky I'm not!).

For those who missed it on telly, watch it on youtube here!