Wednesday, February 27, 2008

'Lil Miss Sniffly

So its another trip to KKH, this time we had a set appointment with a respiratory doctor.

Although Arissa gets sniffly less frequently now (and I believe loading her up with Scotts Emulsion has a lot to do with this, we give her direct 2ml twice a day), I needed to know it isn't an allergy or sinus that Hafidz has. The appointment was set for 11.30am but we got to see the doctor only an hour later, so much for setting an appointment a whole month in advance. It was my maiden KK visit (after 2 years?) so this was a rather insightful trip for me. Wow! A play area.. Wow! Helpful nurses who s-m-i-l-e..

Anyway the doctor, a youngish pregnant Dr Goh, fired off a list of questions when I explained why we were there:

1) Family History?
Father has sinus, Mother's family has asthma.

2) Carpets in the House?
Yes, my Master bedroom is fully carpeted.

3) Any smokers in the family?
Yes, Father smokes but never around Arissa.

She then methodically pulled out all the things that have been playing in the back of my mind. I supposed I always guessed at the reasons for her sniffles but never really accepted them, wanting to believe its simply a long-drawn cold.

1) Father has sinus, Mother's family has asthma.
Both sinus and asthma are genetically passed on so there is a 50-50 chance that Arissa can have either. Or both.

2) Yes, my Master bedroom is fully carpeted.
Bad idea. Carpets breed allergens. Remove them (GAH! She made it sound so easy and cheap!)
3) Yes, Father smokes but never around Arissa.
Doesn't matter. The cigarette smoke and particles will cling to hair, skin, clothes and these allergens will trigger her sensitive nose so get the Father to quit. (Yeay! I finally have Arissa's health & a good medical reason to put forth to The Addict)

A quick examination revealed swollen internal nose glands, confirming that it isn't a long-drawn cold but a likelihood of sinus. She prescribed a bottle of antihistamine, Cetrizine, and some nosedrops which needed to be taken daily for 4 months before another followup examination. On hindsight, I should have asked for something OTHER than nosedrops as Arissa downright despises them and it always ends up with me losing my temper and her throwing a tantrum. The only time I get the nosedrops properly executed is when she is sleeping, even then I need to pick a time of deep sleep (anywhere between 2am-5am).

Hafidz & I are now picking a date to get our carpet removed and laminate flooring installed, but that is another nightmare altogether.

PS: It was a nice surprise bumping into Siti (of Yishun Sec Sch) who is now a mother to a 4year old son Aniq. I knew her through a schoolmate and she was one of the 'wild' girls but always friendly. How nice to see her again after so long, all mature and sensible! :)