We ended the year with a mini getaway with Hafidz's family to Batam Island which has flourished nicely. Big malls, brand names, coffee culture, donut culture- all alive in this little nook called Indonesia- living side by side with the traditional padang food and teh Sosros. It was too short a holiday but I got to spend quality time connecting with the extended family.
Then a very nice surprise came along and we ushered in 2008 as a complete gang again (well, minus 1 family in KL). Of course, when the gang gets together its got to be a foodfest.
With all that catching up to do, we ran late for the countdown and all the roads leading to town were blocked so it was the 7 of us celebrating in our own individuals cars watching the skies light up from Benjamin Sheares bridge. I must say we got to the best point at the stroke of midnight so Arissa got a fantastic view of the fireworks.
It was a good ending to 2007. Hopefully a new beginning to 2008 with more good times to come.