Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Double toil, Double trouble

Playdates with the bigger two is my weekend usual since Daddy is manning his Ramadhan Bazaar stall at Bussorah Street. 

I love the idea of bonding them through experiences, old or new, because to be honest they fight like cats & dogs within the confines of four walls and out of boredom. To be even more honest, I can get quite nasty with these kids out of feeling cooped up at home with screaming children- a migraine causing phenomenon! So out we go, leaving Aidan and maid home alone. With my newly installed CCTV camera. Because I am paranoid like that, even though Helper is a gentle village girl. Ah well, better safe than sorry, says the Hubby.

Our playdates typically mean venturing within 2km of home- Causeway Point, Woodlands Library, Northpoint, AMK Hub, Safra Yishun, Sembawang Shopping Centre. But recently, I've started moving out of the comfort zone.

Vivocity, with cousin Seri, to watch Epic:

Bugis Market & Arab Street:

Malay Heritage Centre:

Orchard Road. On a Sunday. Now that calls for a badge of bravery, trolling through minions squatting by CK Tangs and overcrowding public toilets. Reminder to self: never ever let Helper take day off. They end up here, oogled by Bangladeshi workers.

So anyway, its true what the Hubby had said before, 2 IS more fun than 1. More chaotic, but fun regardless. 

In return for behaving themselves, I throw in new treats like...


Monday, July 22, 2013


Remember a time when you thought wearing specs were cool? Well I remember how I would purposely try to damage my eyes (by standing close to the tv, by reading in semi darkness) in the hopes that one day I would actually be myopic enough to wear glasses. 

When the day came for an eye test in P4, and the nurse declared I need a degree of -25 and -75, I was elated! My wish was fulfiled. 

Fast forward 10 years later and I wish I didn't have to bother with cumbersome frames, esp when it comes in the way of whatever little eye makeup I could sneakily put on before hanging out with my girlfriends on a trip to InKids (remember them??!). The combination of big frizzy hair and glasses was the ultimate fashion disaster even Diana Ross couldn't pull off.

So I have invested in a pair of $8 frames from Bugis Market for Big Sis who seems to be going that direction. Little Sis got a pair too although hers looks better on me than on her cherubic face.

So this year's Eid theme is nailed down- Gwiyomi anyone??

Sunday, July 21, 2013

No worry too big

Not exactly a good day for little bubba- 

10am: his meagre, crooked toenails got bumped in the walker I think and caused it to bleed.

12pm: climbed out of his walker and landed head first. Cried loudly for 2 seconds, then all wide eye innocence as we fussed over him.

1pm: grinding his teeth out of habit these days and caused his mouth and gums to bleed, sending Helper into panic mode.

Seriously Aidan, you're becoming quite the restless worm. But y'know what.. As I've learned from these 3 kids, a bad day can be resolved by a good tickle. Life ain't so bad if you have a smile on your face! :)

Sunday, July 07, 2013


Funny how these two are sprouting buck teeth at the same time! 

I've even bought Aidan a little toothbrush which he uses to suck during bath time. As for Big Sis..we always have to keep reminding her to take care of her new set of enamels. I remember those precious moments of post-recess brushing  exercise in primary school.. And the precocious pervy boys checking out the colour of our underpants as we crouch down over the drains. If anything those brushing sessions taught me a few things- a) always wear p.e. shorts under the skirt, b) brush 10x on each sides of the teeth, and c) boys will be boys, whether they are 7 or 37. 

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Crafting 101: pompoms

Am going to try a mini version of this next. I could use it as a weight for helium balloons at the next kiddy party! 

Monday, July 01, 2013

Watch and Learn

Seriously you can make/learn just about anything these days with youtube.. I bet if I watched religiously enough, I can even learn to build a house, or d.i.y my kitchen reno, or lay a new timber flooring in my house. 

Ever since my maternity leave in 2009 where I was awed by Martha Stewart's shows, I have a secret ambition- to open up a kids crafting store, so we find granny-friendly apps like Craftgawker on my iphone, lol. Excitingggggg..

But do not be mistaken! For nothing is as easy as it looks. Here are some tries:

Hair chalking tutorial: use hard not soft crayon pastels for a more vibrant colour. Washes off easily!

Macaroon tower tutorial (ok I only directed this look with the help of a professional baker): use macaroon shell only if on a budget.

Lollipop stand tutorial (blue & red cone): my favourite at every party. Easy n cheap to do.

Diaper cake tutorial: so tough to bake for first timer me. 

Face painting tutorial (on a squirmy model, not ideal): store bought pallette is bad bad bad- chalky and resistant to soap. This cat design is simplest to do, I think.

About to start on beading necklaces/bracelets for kids tutorial ;).. In time for Eid!!

I am faaaaaaaar from good but at least, I have stumbled upon a new passion (in fact, probably my one and only excitement...) and find the whole crafting business so fascinating! Even the kids are happy for me to use them as models/scapegoats. 

Now if only I have a proper garage to get those spraycans going and refurbish old furniture, I would die happy.

Epic Lines

"Mummy", Arissa calls me this morning from the mattress where she is playing with Aidan,"I looove Aidan. You see his hair so handsome right! The back is so long macam grass, then the front a bit botak"

I laughed so hard, it felt like a Sunday!