Now what do you get?
A brave attempt at scripting. :)
Oh boy, only rainy January and Mummy's feeling the heat of the educational system here.
I pulled her out of her regular Phonics programme this year because she gets back from school later than last year and following a mad rush to shower, change and eat dinner, she's always crying to Grandma afterwards "I'm tired, I don't like Teacher Selvi. I tanak pegi!!". And to prove her point, she's been dozing off at the 7-830pm slots too. Grandpa went to pick her up from Phonics class one day and saw her appropriately snoring over her worksheets while Teacher Selvi coaches her partner, Paige. What a waste of my money really if her mind's half awake at that hour.
Now where's that damn pamphlet from I Can Read (so freakin' expensive!) and Read In a Week (..or else!?!?)! Weekend classes it will be, dear girl although I resent the fact that you have to live up to my expectations at this tender age. But in Singapore we are and to the Singapore textbook system we shall succumb to.