I've finally pulled out my old bible and wiped off the 3 year old dust sitting on it. The pages are brown with age with dog ears randomly placed (I hate bookmarks, keep losing them). Its really my toilet read, just about the only time I have to myself in the house.
Baby's Month by Month Development is an all-time favourite, it allows me precious insights into the magical world of babies and
why they do the cutest things they do,
when they will do the cutest things they do and
how to react to the cutest things they do. One can never be too much of a pro at mothering...
Month 7:Still hates the bottle/formula milk- I have no idea which it is. Even the award-winning Tommy Tipee
bottle failed the ultimate test... Her line of defense was to either:
a) chew on the teat
b) spit out the milk
c) let it dribble down her chin
d) shut her lips tight
When I'm home especially on the weekends, she can survive on what little b*milk I have left until Sunday evening when I get a little bit of relief- the sight of her sucking down a full bottle of Similac formula is enough to make me weep with sheer joy.
But what little formula she takes, she compensates with solids. A little breakkie of cereal in the morning, followed by porridge at lunch and dinner and snacks in between. I'm not sure this is ideal, according to my 'bible' she needs at least 270ml of milk daily and I am certain I'm not producing THAT much.
This month we saw a spurt of large motor development. Which really means she went from 'Baby Relaks' (as Hafidz's cousin calls her) to 'Baby Wiggle'. Overnight, she developed a continuous urge to stretch /twist /turn /lurch so much so I now put her on the floor with Arissa where she will grab /bite /claw /pinch at the toys. I was most afraid that Big Sis would get annoyed and wrestle/push/punch /jotos her but worry I need not. Arissa is so in love with Baby Wiggle that she readily gives her a little trinket from her treasure trove, followed by a little show of affection- a pinch on the cheeks and baby talk "Aaaaaadiiiik... pweeeeeetty girl".
She hasn't started crawling properly, its a cross between creeping and lurching but yesterday she got on her knees and pushed off to a jumpy start...
But for Big Sis who has a pair of the well-padded, well-coordinated legs, its time to take the art of locomotion a step further. I suddenly realised I hadn't gotten her anything for her 3rd birthday yet so off we traipsied into Toys R Us, on an adrenaline-infused adventure.
Should I get this little tech thingamajig for my birthday...?
...or this too-cool-for-school trike...?