There was the jaundice scare, when her paediatrician almost checked her in for phototherapy. Three weeks and 3 blood tests later, her bilirubin level is down to normal and she's returned to a healthy colour. All the while, I kept her on exclusive breastmilk which did not exacerbate the condition proving once again the goodness of b*milk. :)
And then, the flu bug struck- causing low grade fever, stuffy nose and a whole lotta coughing and gagging. The whole household is down with flu- from Mum & Dad to Arissa- so anyone could have passed it on to her. Since she's too young to be given any heavy-duty medication, Dr Vella prescribed nosedrops and Rhinathiol Plain for her phlegm. We were told to monitor her for RSV virus, which can cause serious damage to infants 0 to 6 months. To be honest, I don't really know what to look out for other than worsening of flu-like symptoms and difficulty breathing.
So for the moment, we haven't been getting much? any? sleep. She wants to be cuddled all the time and sleep better in a semi-upright position.
I get snatches of snooze throughout the day when bub sleeps but poor hubby has developed panda-eyes, I suppose we can consider them to be medals of fatherhood..? As for me, I'm voluntarily confining myself to another 14 days at mum's casa in spite of all my whining and whinging.. you can consider that signs of senility.