Wednesday, April 30, 2008

For all spa junkies

I've been meaning to pop into House of Traditional Javanese Massage @ Arab Street for my fav ginger wrap as the knots and aches in my body are getting really intolerable. Even the ridiculously expensive King Koil pillow I bought for my neck ache didn't help to eleviate the pain. In fact, it went from firm to soft within a span of 1 month. So much for that! Next pillow will be those $20 ones from Aussino...

BUT, one of the locations for yesterday's TVC shoot was The Rainforest Spa @ Safra Yishun. The very friendly, very accommodating frontdesk manager, Steven, and I got to talking and, me being a spa junkie, sussed out their promotions. Apparently they have an ongoing off-peak package tailored for the public. For S$38, members of the public can access a 70 minute treatment which includes:

20m Steam/Sauna
20m Outdoor Jacuzzi
30m Back Massage

Well of course I didn't hesitate!! I booked a package for me and my aching body at 11am this morning! But then little miss scatterbrain forgot to pack her swimwear and had to wear a loose, grubby one provided by the spa (ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww).

Note to self: Next time, pack swim wear, bath salts and toiletries.

The steam was alright (but then I never really enjoyed steam baths anyways), the hot water in the jacuzzi housed in a wooden gazebo overlooking the pool was lots better and the final 30m back massage was exactly what I needed. Boy... do i feel great now!

... if only I can go home for a nap instead of coming into the office to get sucked into a meeting which I really really really did not want to attend (as it entailed watching a grown man weep)....that would've been a perfect day right there. *yawn*

Monday, April 28, 2008

Ma Ma Ma My Leona

So there I was- its 1am on Thursday and I'm not the least bit sleepy. I think its the stress of producing this bloody TVC and also the 3 cups of coffee I had sucked down in the daytime. The hubby's with his best friend somewhere, avoiding me and my foul temper. American Idol is on but I'm not really watching... but then Leona Lewis came onstage and I snapped back to reality. Oh, how I love that husky voice of hers. She made me sit up and forget my worries for all of 2 minutes.

She crooned Bleeding Love live on the Idol stage and it sounded exactly as it did on my CD (courtesy of the hubby), even the falsettos were pitch-perfect! I was a teeny bit disappointed though, expecting her to belt out an equally marvelous variation of the song. Well, at least now I know that voice is an original.. If you're a fan too, checkout the single Homeless on her current release.

Anyway, the husband is not blind after all (!!) to my misery and has booked a trip next week for the whole family- MIL and BIL included. I hope its somewhere remote and secluded where I can effectively de-stress and generate more zen ;}

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


By the time we get home, I am usually pooped but Arissa will always find new ways to annoy me with her (funny) antics. This is her, refusing to change into her PJs for the night even when I've got her (a tad too tight) dress over her brow.

"I'm not changing, whaddya talking about! This is my favourite dress!"

"Oh no! Its bedtime?!?!? But I'm not ready to give up entertaining my parents yet!"

Thursday, April 17, 2008


People say.... babies who start walking early will start talking late and vice versa.

At 15 months, Arissa talks mostly 'baby' language- most of which are gibberish to our ears- but its encouraging to see she wants to communicate and seems to understand most of what we're telling her. She can point to all the right body parts and make the correct animal sounds for
:: lion (roars)
:: monster (groans)
:: cat (high pitched "yaaaaaah?")
:: dog (grunts "uh uh").

I usually gesture a lot whilst giving instructions to help her comprehend but last week, I only looked her in the eye and said "Arissa, take your choochoo (milk) bottle from the bedroom. Mummy need to wash it". And she understood!!! I was ecstatic when she bounced back into the kitchen, a minute later, with the milk bottle in question (OK, so ideally I shouldn't be using baby words like 'choochoo' but if she can understand the other parts of the instructions, then I can just about substitute everything into adult language pretty soon).

Her first words, as my goldfish brain remembers them were....

MAMAM [pronounced 'mum mum']
She loops them "mamamamamamamaam" and it means "give me some food woman!"

THERE [pronounced 'deh']
as in
Me: "Arissa, where is Mummy?"
A: "Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh!" (then points at me cheekily)

KATAK (frog in Malay) [pronounced 'ke-tah']
My mum taught her this from the Winnie the Pooh books she's been reading.

TOK (grandpa in Malay) [pronounced as is]
My babysitter taught her this one by pointing to her husband and repeating "tok! tok! tok!"

BYE BYE [pronounced 'bah bah']
This comes with the territory of salams and flying kisses.

I think she is doing pretty well in her own pace although a little slower than I'd like. But what the heck am I complaining about, as my MIL says "Once she starts talking, we'd wish she hadn't started so soon!"

Monday, April 14, 2008

The ongoing GP vs KKH vs PD saga..

In the beginning, I figured a good GP was all Arissa needed to attend to the occasional coughs and colds.

I very much like the GP near our house- he was both meticulous and good with kids but there was always the long queue before you get past his door.

We tried another GP, near her babysitter’s place. She was bit less detailed but worse of all, Arissa hated the sight of her and would resort to screaming in the consultation room. Despite being female, she also seemed nervous about my feisty little tot.

It was KK hospital next. We took her there three times, was attended by different doctors who was not familiar with her sinus condition. Although they try to be informative, I do not appreciate the lack of familiarity for the $75 that I pay for this GP-ish service. The nail on the coffin came from the hubby one trip when an MO attended to Arissa instead of a certified doctor.

And so, at 17 months, we’re back at her PD- a Dr Vellayapan of the Singapore Baby and Child Clinic in AMK. Our last visit here was when Arissa was 5 months and the bill came up to $200+, startling both me and the hubby, prompting us to search for cheaper alternatives. A particular cousin with very bad asthma and eczema goes to him and so he comes highly recommended from that branch of the family. After much deliberation, we decided to give this another shot.

When we arrived on an 8pm weekday, the clinic was packed to the brim with children of various ages- from weeny bubs to bouncy tots. A mere 5 mins at the registration counter and we were whisked off to a young-ish nurse who measured and weighed my little tot and asked me if I’d like her development assessed. I said go for it, expecting some professional gadgets to appear on hand for measurement of brainwaves or the like, but she simply rattled off from the list in Arissa’s healthbook- duh! It was something I could’ve filled in myself in my own time rather than having to yell back the answers over the din of weepy children.

Anyyywayyyy.... we got through that in 15 mins (whilst I sense the other waiting Mothers behind me eyeballing us with disdain). We were told to move to the 2nd floor where there was a quieter (thank God) waiting room. I remember there was a play area here before but it’s gone now to make way for more chairs. There was 1 (yes 1) Playskool toy thingamajig that was cracked in 7 places with badly peeling paint, which all the kids stole (as in ‘to take without permission’) from each other so I had to entertain Arissa with a little toy I brought along in her Eeyore rucksack. Of course, I had to pry this off the sticky hands of another kid once our queue number flashed onscreen.

The husband instructed me beforehand to keep this unofficial looking by walking (not carrying) Arissa into the PD’s office and she seemed thrilled by the sight of him (I think she has a thing for tanned men, don’t ask me why- we’ve noticed). She toddles over to his cabinet and starts pointing and talking gibberish at the Barney stuffed toy there. Dr Vella’s manner is calm and fatherly as he asks us what our concerns are. As we chat, he casually examines Arissa over and surprise! surprise! she did not once struggle against him. I think it’s the way he makes birdy sounds to distract her whilst he looks her over- pretty innovative!

No threat of bronchitis as he assures us her chest remains clear in spite of the perpetual runny nose and will continue to prescribe Zyrtec. Improvements, however, can only be seen in the next month or two. Since this was an allergy and not a illness, Arissa was cleared for the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) jab, the nurse tells me to hold on to her hands whilst Dr Vella makes more birdy sounds. In goes the syringe, my daughter screams in protest and looks at him as though her trust has been abused :[

I expected a $200 bill again (GAH!) but after sitting around at the dispensary for a good 20mins we were presented with a bill of $110. Not too bad, since this was consultation plus meds plus her MMR shot. It was $30 more than her (normal, no jabs) KKH bill but I get an experienced PD who is familiar with her history (and pretty nearby). Just remind me to come armed with more toys and a magazine.

To occupy Arissa during the waiting time, Hafidz took her down to our favourite neighbourhood shoe shop with their fake CROCS- hey, something’s gotta give when you have to keep paying for medication. It’s the one opposite AMK Polyclinic with a colourful array of look-a-likes for S$5.90 each so Daddy bought 3 more for bub. And I got another one for ‘babah’(read: "abang" in Arissa language) Rifqi.

**Oren tumpang glamour.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Always end the name of your child with a vowel

I was in Kinokuniya yesterday @ lunch to find a book for Hafidz. Naturally, I wandered to the baby section to try and see if there's anything interesting for myself and came across a fantastic book of baby names. I was *this* close to buying it but then

a) Not pregnant and no plans TO get pregnant just yet (and whats the use of baby names if one's not pregnant? To name one's resident pet cockroach?)
b) Its $27 (daylight robbery i tell ya!!)
c) Last copy and hence a bit rumpled

Whereas my other baby books from the local Arab Street stores list only Arabic names, this one is a compilation of ALL baby names be it in Arabic or Hebrew or Germanic, even Aboriginal Australian!

Bill Cosby's book called FATHERHOOD instructs parents to "always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry".

I loaded my bub's name with MANY MANY vowels so I when I get the occasion to yell, I can cover 10mins in 1 breath..


..which is not only effective in stopping her from doing undesirable things (like letting our cat lick her lollipop) but also breath-saving for me! But I digress... I found the meanings to her name in a flash:

[arabic] Happiness, bliss
[japanese] Flower, blossom
[korean] Number 1
[hebrew] Grace of God, full of grace

**I fought tooth & nail w hubby to put this name in and now I have FOUR dang good reasons to show off for it :].

[arabic] Bright, smart

[greek] Magnificent

And today, a colleague sent in another astrological sign email (boy, we get a lot of those in the office) and Arissa's birthdate has the following interesting, should-never-forget facts:

Age in years 1.41
Age in months 17
Age in days 516
Age in hours 12389
Age in minutes 743318
Age in seconds 44599070
Age in Milli seconds 4459907023
Age in weeks 3613
You born on Thursday

[as at 8 Apr 08]

Character traits:
* Has a lot of ideas -..on how to irritate Mummy/Daddy/Nenek/Atok by avoiding sleeping and feeding times.
* Difficult to fathom
* Thinks forward
* Unique and brilliant
* Extraordinary ideas
* Sharp thinking
* Fine and strong clairvoyance
* Can become good doctors - wow! this i like!
* Careful and cautious
* Dynamic in personality
* Secretive
* Inquisitive
* Knows how to dig secrets
* Always thinking
* Less talkative but amiable
* Brave and generous
* Patient - errr... only sometimes.
* Stubborn and hard-hearted - NO! means NO!!!!! 2 ways about it!
* If there is a will, there is a way
* Determined
* Never give up
* Hardly become angry unless provoked
* Motivates oneself
* Does not appreciates praises - she loves being praised! How else do we feed her her meds/cod liver oil? * High-spirited
* Well-built and tough
* Deep love

Cute and fun to read but hardly believable, as all generic astrological signs are! :S

Monday, April 07, 2008

When Pimmie came to visit

My best buddy from Bangkok, Pim, came to visit to mend her broken heart and the Fabulous 4 took her out for a spin around town. We miss you already Pimmie Puff!