Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Friday, August 17, 2007

My last entry was in Mar and now its Aug- where did 5 months of my life go!!! I installed an upgraded version of Norton in my lappy and it blocked access to this website. Argh.

Arissa is 9 months and 8 days today:
*She has 4 top teeth and 2 lower ones
*She can crawl at olympic speed
*She prefers to curl up between Mummy & Daddy in the big bed at night (there goes the Romance)
*She bites, pinches, smacks anyone who dares irritate her
*She participates in most of the games we play with her (peekaboo/monster chase ..)
*She gets sleepy automatically at 11.30pm
*She sits in the toddler car seat now
*She relishes her Baby Bites anytime
*She rocks back and forth and shakes her head when we recite La Illaha Illallah
*She clenches and unclenches her palm when we sing Nang Neng Pong/Twinkle Twinkle Little Star/Pok Amai Amai
*She puts everything she finds on the floor/table/bed in her mouth
*She loves to jump on your belly and throw her head back to an upside-down position
*She giggles with glee when you throw her in the air
*She hates wearing shoes/hairband and tugs at them
*She hates having to 'salam' anyone and hides her hand when she hears anyone saying "SALAM?"
*If you make her lie down, she will get offended and pop back up like Jack-in-the-Box.
*She needs her pacifier during bed/naptime
*She loves to shred tissue paper to bits
*She know how to plant a kiss on your cheek
*She says MAMAMAMAAM for food
*She yells in her top voice just to be funny and laughs along with you
